Damaged Stone Slate Quest: Find Them in Genshin Impact

Damaged Stone Slate Quest Genshin Impact
Damaged Stone Slate Quest: Find Them in Genshin Impact

Damaged Stone Slate is a Quest/Event item. You can find it in the new 2.5 updates of Genshin Impact. Moreover, the Key Quest Item for The Bunkoku Enigma World Quest is Damaged Stone. Until 30 March, 2022, the event, I.e. Three Realms Offering Gateway will be playable. It might seem like a simple and Ordinary Stone Slate. But who knows what other keys and secrets it might have. Furthermore, there are a total of 8 in-game. Lastly, read more about what you have to do, to attain it and how to use it!

Firstly, players have to Initiate a Quest with Yabe in Dainichi Mikoshi. Therefore, he will give you the first Damaged Stone Slate. You can find the rest 3 in nearby areas. Secondly, the rest 3 will be at the Library at the Nothern Island in Genshin Impact. Lastly, the location can only be found after lighting the 3 Electro Totem. Although out of 3, 2 totems are locked. For unlocking, complete the task near them. Now, let us have a look at the location of 3 Slabs in the Library:

  • First: Base of a Pillar in right
  • Second: Ahead of Stairs Base, in the left
  • Third: Right of the stairs, on the second floor

Let’s look for the Other 4 Damaged Stone Slate in Genshin Impact!

Now, let’s head to Evernight Temple. Here, you can find 2 of them underground. After getting to the map. The entrance will be blocked. Ice Mirror Puzzles should be solved by you to unlock the underground location. As for solving the puzzle. You just have to Activate the Light. Then make the light hit the two shining blocks. Do the same for other blocks as well.

Tip: it’s recommended that your Bokuso Box be at LVL 6 before proceeding. Because the Corrosion Intensity at this Island is 60

After solving, you can have now unlocked a room that has slates. You will see another Ice Mirror Puzzle. Solve it the same way as you did back then. In the Date’s Maze, which is the name of the room. You can find the two Damaged Stone Slate:

  • First: Back of the Common Chest
  • Second: On the Entrance left side, in water
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Tip: You have to Loot Slate Chest before getting the slate.

damaged stone slate genshin Evernight temple

Last 2 Slates in Genshin Impact Quest!

Now, by using Bokuso Box activate the light. Finally, you have unlocked the last section. The last 2 are in Serpent’s Heart, Date’s Labyrinth, which is in the South. This is the easiest part. You have no Puzzle or quest here. Just go and get the Quest Maker Guide, which guides you. Now when you get here, jump into the ruins underground. You can see 2 Damaged Stone Slate lying flat on the opposite side of the room. You won’t see them as soon as you enter. They are laid, so it’s hard to figure out. Make sure to look through the room thoroughly. You can follow Electro Seelie to find the entrance:

  • First: Left side on the platform
  • Second: Right side of the platform
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In Short, to be updated on the latest Genshin Impact news, Quest, Characters, Weapons, Character Analysis, MiHoYo, etc. Look for our Content!


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