Recon Set Valorant: Price, Category And Everything You Need To Know

Know about Valorant's bundle named Recon.

Recon Set Valorant
Military themed Skin in Valorant

Recon Set Valorant: Valorant releases a lot of skin which are meant to be upgraded and is considered as Premium skin. In the last week of August, the game revealed a bundle of skin named Recon which ruled the heart of players because of the butterfly knife it had. So, how do we buy the skin now?

Recon Set Valorant: All You Need To Know

Recon Set Valorant Butterfly knife

Valorant is Riot’s first FPS game and it is one of the most successful games until now. In a short period of time, the game has made its own space in the hearts of gamers. Furthermore, the skins in Valorant are also unique and attract most of the players.

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To buy any skin in Valorant, a player needs to spend Valorant points. The amount of Valorant points depends on the type of skin you’re going to buy. Furthermore, Recon was a bundled skin that has a set of guns in military theme.

The highlight point of the Recon skin was its butterfly knife which was the first butterfly knife in Valorant. Additionally, it gave a look animation to players. The butterfly knife was very much in demand from the players. On the first year celebration, the developers hinted at the arrival of the skin. Now the skin is available.

Recon set of Valorant had different skins other than the butterfly knife. Furthermore, it was a premium skin that cost players 7,100 Valorant points. Here are the details of skins and their individual cost:

  • Phantom: 1775 Valorant Points
  • Spectre: 1775 Valorant Points
  • Ghost: 1775 Valorant Points
  • Butterfly Knife: 3550 Valorant Points
  • Guardian: 1775 Valorant Points

How To Buy?

As of now, the skin is expired and there are no chances of buying the bundle unless Valorant re-release it. However, the set of Recon skins in cannot be buried in Valorant, but you can have them individually.

Valorant releases its skins daily in the store which is different for all the players. So, you might expect to drop off any recon skin in your store.

Also, the night market is now live. The night market also gives you chances to buy these types of skins at a discount.

Also Read:  Valorant Give Back Bundle is Back with Some Good Skins

So, these were all the details regarding Recon set Valorant skin. To read more about Valorant, click on the link mentioned below.

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Pritam Priyedarshi
Pritam Priyedarshi
Pritam is an esports enthusiast who pens down things happening in the world of gaming. He is currently writing for moroesports.