Free Fire is one of the most trending games in the country. So, Today we will discuss the Queen of Free Fire in the World i.e FF Queen.
Who is the Queen Of Free Fire in the world?
Sooneeta Thapa Magar, aka Sooneeta, is one of the most famous Free Fire female streamers. In Recent times, Everybody praises her as the Queen of FF worldwide. She has more than 4 million subscribers on the Sooneeta Youtube channel. The lady plays Garena Free Fire dedicatedly. She is good at it without any doubt.
Though Sooneta hails from Nepal, her videos feature a little bit of Hindi as well. She also knows the language pretty well. Moreover, Her skills and knowledge of the game can easily be considered top-notch among the numerous streamers and players.

However, we can also call Sooneeta Queen of Free Fire in India. Her popularity in India is whacking great. Moreover, she has also collaborated with many big gamers like TSG, Total Gaming, etc.
The 25-year-old Streamer has been streaming Free Fire content on the platform for almost three years. She posted her first video on her channel in September 2018. Currently, The Queen has more than 670 videos on her channel. She has more than 321 million views at the time of writing.
Queen of Free Fire Net Worth Details:
Sooneeta Earnings:
As she owns a huge number of subscribers, Youtube is clearly her main source of income.
She used to post various game highlights and Livestreams. The daily views she gets are around 500k-800k. Moreover, All the numbers are just going to increase on a daily basis.
Apart from Youtube, the Queen of Free Fire also earns revenue via Online Donations, Super Chats, AdSense, Membership and Sponsor videos.
So, Sooneeta’s monthly income could vary from $6,600 to $105,000 while the yearly earnings varies from $79,000 to $1.3 million. As per numerous records, Sooneeta’s net worth is currently around 50 lakhs.
Notable achievements:
As above mentioned, Queen of Free Fire is currently one of the biggest FF female content creators right now. She is inspirational to so many fans.
Sooneeta has already earned two silver play buttons and one gold play button for her milestones. In 2019, she also became the winner of the Free Fire costume design competition. She brought home around 10,000 diamonds.