Last Updated on: 10th July 2021, 02:50 pm
Fortnite Item Shop Today: The Fortnite Item Shop today has some exciting stuff. Firstly in the Featured Items, we see a return of the two Football icons namely Harry Kane and Marco Reus. We have the Fishstick and Zero Skins with three different wraps back. For the Daily Items, we have Astro Assassin and Cloaked Shadow outfits in today’s item shop of Fortnite.
Football Icons in the Fortnite Item Shop Today:

The Harry Kane and Marco Reus Skins are back in the item shop today. You can buy the Kane & Reus bundles today. Harry Kane coming with his back bling Hurri-Kane and Marco Reus with his Survival Kit. With both of these, there are also two other emotes, Sweet Victory and Three Wise Monkeys. They come from the HurriKane and Marcinho sets releasing in Season 7 itself.
Featured Items for Today:

The Fishstick Skin (Rare) makes a return with the Saltwater Satchel (Rare). Its last appearance was around two months ago. Coming with it is the Coral Cruiser (Rare) Glider. Bootstraps (Uncommon) and Fresh Fish (Rare) are the pick-axes with it.
The 3 different skin wraps that come with it are:
- Fish Face
- Fishy
- Slippery

Besides this, a return of the legendary Zero Point Outfit with his back bling Black Hole (Rare) is here. Zero Point Wrap (Rare) is yet another remarkable wrap that is worth your money. These are from the start of Chapter 2 Season 1.
Next up we also have the Toy Trooper and Plastic Patroller Skins back. Both of these Uncommon outfits are from Chapter 1 season 9. They also have a set of 3 different wraps namely:
- Green toy
- Grey Toy
- Red Plastic
These are the Featured items for today in the Fortnite Item Shop.
Daily Items:

The daily items consist of the Astro Assassin (Epic) and Cryohops back bling which we see after quite a long time (about 3 months later). She was introduced in Chapter 1 Season 9.
After this, we have the Cloaked Shadow (Epic) Outfit with his ominous Shadow Wings back bling. The skin looks insanely good with the black flame-type animations. And this was all from the Chapter 1 Season 7! So, these were all the new items for the Fortnite Item shop today.
There are 4 Emotes for the Daily Items:
- Vibin’
- Shanty for a Squad
- Savor the W
- Skipper
All of these Skins and emotes for the item shop today are from Jojojosiah. So, shout-outs to him for creating such awesome outfits and accessories for Fortnite. You can also check out more about the Lebron James Skin Leak here.
Marvel and DC Section in the Fortnite Item Shop Today:
Although, it is quite weird seeing both of these sections together. Since Marvel and DC don’t go along really often. The Marvel Section has the Black Widow Snowsuit Bundle and the DC Section has the Armored Batman.
Black Widow Snowsuit Bundle comes with the Widow’s Fangs harvesting tool, Widow’s Light back bling, and the Widowmaker Glider. But, all these are from the Marvel Section.
Armored Batman Zero is the bundle that was released with the Batman Fortnite Zero Point Issue 6. He comes with his Batrang’s Axe pick-ax and Batman’s Exo-glider. The rarity obviously is DC.
Finally, this is all for the Fortnite Item Shop of today. However, today’s featured content creator of Fortnite Item Shop was Jojojosiah. Although, the recent Fortnite Hotfix might have something more in the store for us in near future. So, you can be updated on more Fortnite news from us. Until next time!