Last Updated on: 2nd January 2021, 05:14 pm

PUBG Mobile has set new bars in the terms of popularity and success for its competitors. In this article, we will answer the most asked question on the internet “Who are the top 5 most earned PUBG Mobile players in the year 2020?” Affection from all over the world has helped PUBG Mobile to secure the biggest mobile titles in the world. Top players of PUBG are winning a huge amount of prize money and set an example for the others.
PUBG aimed for giving tough competition to the League of Legends and CSGO and since then its success is a dream for other Esports. Players from various regions take part in the game and set up their dominance. China is one of the top regions when talked about competition. Chinese players do not take part on a global scale but their regional championships are very well-known across the world.
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Game for Peace is China’s own version of PUBG Mobile with a great fan base. The best players and teams from different regions have managed to make their way to the top in China. The best team from this region is NOVA XQF. NOVE Esports is the best team of PUBG Mobile in the world. PUBG Mobile tournaments held in China are in the form of League format. Peacekeeper Elite League is one of the main league and the teams clearing this event enters the event Peacekeeper Elite Championship.
Top 5 Most Earned PUBG Mobile Players – 2020

NOVA XQF has grabbed many titles under the XQF banner. Seeing their capabilities NOVA Esports joined their hands with the team. The team won $757,000 by PEC 2020 Grand Finals and ended being the highest-earning team in the year. The players of the team are now the highest personal earning PUBG Mobile Pros in 2020. The list of the top 5 most earned PUBG Mobile players in the year 2020 is:
Nova Paraboy is the best player of NOVA Esports. His playstyle is different from others which helps them to win over the opponents. If we talk about his earnings in the year 2020 it is a very amount of $365,118.98. He is the MVP of many tournaments.
The cool boy is the playing under XQF since 2018 and is also the oldest player on the roster. He always surprises the viewers with his smooth and effortless performance. He has gained $362,622 amount in 2020. He is also denoted as the star player of the team because of his unique game-play.
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Jimmy belongs from Taiwan and joined the team in 2019 and has been the center of attraction since then. Under his influence, the team has gained fame and has established a prominent name for themselves. His earnings in 2020 are $362,622 which is the same as that of Coolboy. So, they both could be spontaneously kept at second and third place in the list.
Nova Order is with the team since October 2019. He has played many matches as a supporter of the team. He has given some unbelievable performances in the company of Paraboy and Jimmy. His total earning in 2020 is $329,052.92.
Nova King also resides in Taiwan and is the new player of Nova Esports. Before joining Nova Esports he used to play under JS Gaming. He has won HPL Global Championship H3 with Jimmy in 2017. He has earned $249,291 via PUBG Mobile tournaments in 2020. Most of the part of his earning is from his PEC performance.