Fortnite’s Exotic Weapons Focusing on Mobility and Healing

Fortnite’s Exotic weapons
Fortnite’s Exotic weapons

Fortnite Season 5 is getting popular with each passing day with the game’s continuous addition of new Fortnite’s Exotic weapons. This popularity is for sure going to get more hype by adding new exotic weapons accompanied with enhanced mobility and healing power.

In the previous season, weapons were equipped with increased damage output. Still, in Season 5, developers want to add new thrill and excitement to the gameplay via enhanced mobility and healing power.

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Fortnite’s Exotic weapons were initially added in Season 2, where weapons were solely equipped with damaging power. But with each passing Season, Fortnite is trying to add spice to game-play by continuously adding weapons with improved powers.

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In Season 4, weapons got replaced with superpowers, which emulated famous Marvel Heroes. Continuing the trend, Season 5 has also got some specialized weapons with advanced characteristics set to be released.

Next Wave of Fortnite’s Exotic Weapons Focus on Mobility and Healing

The very famous Fortnite leaker ‘HYPEX’ has provided some information about the new weapons discussed in our article. According to him, there will be three new weapons in the game, mainly focusing on mobility and healing. One of his tweets reads as: ”Upcoming Exotic Weapons:

– Run Gun SMG: increases your running/walking speed (i had a footage with @ximton but i deleted it and i’m too lazy to record it again)

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– Freeze AR: gives chiller trap effect to other players

– Slurp Bazooka: maybe scrapped”

The more sorted and easy list of these weapons is given below:

  1. Run Gun SMG: Run Gun SMG is a normal sub-machine gun. It will increase the movement speed of the player once it is held.
  2. Freeze AR: Freeze AR is an assault rifle. It will help the players to turn their feet into ice cubes. Their ice cubes’ feet will help them to slide more smoothly. The Big Chill and Snowy Floppersalso add the same type of effect to game-play.
  3. Slurp Bazooka: Slurp Bazooka will be a type of rocket launcher. It will help shoot out the explosive rounds by producing a healing effect if there is any effect in an area.
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An NPC can sell these weapons to the players for around 1,200 gold bars. Ripley can sell Slurp Bazooka at the Slurpy Swamp. The site for finding Freeze AR is at the top of the snowy mountains on the map. Although officials have not provided any dates about releasing the range of exotic weapons, they will be added soon to the game.

Fortnite already has a range of weapons like sniper rifles, shooting fire and grenades, grenade launchers that shoot snowballs, and shotguns that launch players. The new addition of weapons with advanced mobility and healing power will add a wholesome new perspective to game-play.

Maninder Beniwal
Maninder Beniwal
Maninder, a guest writer on MoroEsports, is contributing to Mobile Esports and sharpening her skills in writing.