Zero Point and Crystal Trees Location in Fortnite

The last two challenges in week 13 are to find Zero Point and destroy the five crystal trees. Zero Point is present at the center of the Fortnite map. If you move to the northeast side mainly in the deserted area you can spot a ruined house with five crystal trees around it.

Last Updated on: 28th February 2021, 12:39 pm

Zero Point and Crystal Trees Location in Fortnite
Zero Point and Crystal Trees Location in Fortnite

Fortnite Season 5 week 13 is fully loaded with a lot of challenges that players are trying to complete before the season ends. The last two challenges in a week are to find Zero Point and crystal trees location and destroy them. Players get bonus XP upon the completion of the given tasks.

Though it seems pretty easy to complete these challenges. But you may find it tough to locate these places. Once you are well aware of the path to reach these sights the whole process will get pretty easy.

But before you head on to find Zero Point to demolish the crystal trees you must complete the other tasks. The other tasks are:

  1. Deal damage with a pistol.
  2. Scan a Server at a Surface Hub
  3. Bathe in the purple pool at Steamy Stacks
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Zero Point and Crystal Trees Location in Fortnite

Zero Point is present at the center of the Fortnite map. It has a giant entrance from where hunters enter the island. Zero point has a desert full of rocks with purple color. To complete the challenge you have to climb up to the orb. Once you are close to it will suck you inside and then by itself will spit you out as well.

Players are finding it difficult to find crystal trees. These trees have got a shade of pink on them. Moreover, if you move to the northeast side mainly in the deserted area you can spot a ruined house with five crystal trees around it.

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Once you find the crystal trees destroy them by either using pickaxe or any pistol. Challenge gets complete with the destruction of these five crystal trees. Furthermore, there are more than five crystal trees so, it is easy to find these trees.

First, try to complete the prerequisite challenges to enter the Zero Point and destroy the crystal trees. Try to keep your patience at its best while searching for these crystalline trees.

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Maninder Beniwal
Maninder Beniwal
Maninder, a guest writer on MoroEsports, is contributing to Mobile Esports and sharpening her skills in writing.