Wrath of the Lich King Classic fresh start servers have launched, are you jumping in? Leveling in World of Warcraft can be fun and a grind, but people like doing it. Fresh start servers will make everyone go back to that grind. If you wanted to play WoW Classic on a fresh server with a fresh economy, now is the time.
Everyone will be starting their first character (again) and working their way back up. Fresh start servers are a simple way to make the game feel fresh for long-time players and a great spot for new players to jump in without feeling like they are behind everyone else. New players don’t have WotLK Classic gold so they would be gearing much slower on other servers.
Let’s go into more detail about World of Warcraft Classic’s fresh start servers and some of its downsides of it.
What Are Fresh Start Servers?
World of Warcraft fresh start servers are exactly how they sound. Players who play on a fresh start server will start on the same playing field. There are no gameplay changes in fresh start servers. The main draw of fresh start servers is to make the game feel new again where everyone has to earn all of their WotLK items.
Fresh start servers are similar to new leagues or ladders in action role-playing games. For example, Diablo games have new seasons where you start a new character and try to grind to the top. The only difference with World of Warcraft is that you aren’t competing for seasonal items, it is just another way to play the game on a fresh economy.
How Will This Affect The Economy?
A lot of players jump to fresh start servers because of the fresh economy. When servers have been up for years, WotLK Classic gold can be worth much less or much more depending on inflation. However, with everyone starting from the beginning together, auction house prices are going to be a lot steady.
There are also fewer bots to worry about. As we all know, bots can make prices skyrocket or plummet very quickly. There isn’t any way to compete with a script. Either way, starting on a fresh start server, whether it’s PvP or PvE, the economy is going to be much better.
However, there are going to be fewer high-level items in the beginning. Thus, players will need to likely farm for more gear. But if you find something valuable, you will get a much better price here, than on an established server.
Leveling Is The Most Important Task
You can play World of Warcraft how you want, I’m not here to tell you how to play, but leveling quickly is very important. If you want to get more Wrath Classic gold, you should be questing and leveling up as quickly as possible. Why? Because by the time you reach max level you can start farming all the zones.
Also, you can start doing raids and dungeons if you have the availability. There is a good chance that not a whole bunch of players are going to be flocking to the fresh start servers, so forming raids and dungeon parties might be a struggle in the beginning. That is the best time to start to take detours in other areas until you can gather a party.
By the time, other people start joining and catching up in the fresh start server you should have plenty of gear and items to sell to make a good amount of WotLK Classic gold. As I said earlier, don’t make this your main priority if you just want to have fun.
Downsides of Fresh Start Servers
There are some downsides if you are deciding to make a character in one of World of Warcraft Classic’s fresh start servers. The first one is that you will have to start over again. Obvious right? Some people like starting over, but everyone knows that leveling up in World of Warcraft takes a good amount of time. You might find yourself starving for all of the content you have access to.
Second, you won’t be able to create a Death Knight until reach level 55 with a character on the same server. So if you thought you were going to jump into a fresh start server with a Death Knight because you have a max-level character on another server, you thought wrong. By the way, you can’t transfer characters or boost characters for at least 90 days.
Lastly, since everyone will be starting in the same starting areas, you might level slowly due to overpopulation. Quests that require you to kill a certain amount of enemies will take some time because you will have to wait for them to respawn after someone else has killed them. Grouping up will help with this though.
In short, Wrath of the Lich King Classic’s fresh start servers is great for players who want to make the game feel new again and start with a fresh economy. There is something special and refreshing about everyone starting over again, working together to make it to the endgame. It feels like you entered a time portal and traveled back to 2008.
Are joining a fresh start server? Let us know in the comment section if you are and what class you will be starting with.
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