The all new Purple colored crystals had recently appeared in COD Mobile in the Battle royal matches. Players have got confused about what to do with the purple crystals. Therefore, head on to this article for the complete details about Purple crystals in COD Mobile.
Call of Duty Mobile is one of the most famous games and acquired by many players around the globe. Moreover, Call of Duty Mobile features various new additions concluding new events, features, maps, weapons etc. periodically.
Also, Call of Duty Mobile offers 2 various game modes one called the Multiplayer mode and the other called the battle royal mode. The multiplayer mode features 5v5 intense combats on a variety of maps in Call of Duty Mobile.
Meanwhile, the battle royal mode features a lobby of 100 players in Call of Duty Mobile. Where players battle out against each other on the large-sized battleground map in order to achieve the victory in Call of Duty Mobile.
As Call of Duty Mobile keeps adding new things and features to the game frequently. Thereby, all new Purple Crystals had been added recently in Call of Duty Mobile in the battle royal mode. However, the players have got confused about what to do with these crystals.
Here are the Details about Purple Crystals in COD Mobile:
The brand new pellucid called the Purple Crystals had appeared certainly in Call of Duty Mobile in the battle royal mode. However, the players have seen confusing themselves about what to do with these crystals.
As on destroying all of these crystals, players can sometimes see a red mark on their map but that red mark indicates nothing relative. Therefore, as nothing happens even after destroying all the purple crystals, we can consider this as a technical issue from the developers.
However, it is a Purple Crystal quest that is likely to appear very soon in Call of Duty Mobile. As a conclusion, the purple crystals are of no use for now. However, we can expect something very soon regarding the additions to the crystals in Call of Duty Mobile.
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