Valorant new Patch 6.11: All new changes coming to Agents

The Valorant new Patch 6.11 will be featuring some new changes to many of the Agents in attempts of shifting the dominant meta.

Last Updated on: 7th June 2023, 10:48 pm

Valorant new Patch 6.11
Valorant new Patch 6.11 (image via. Valorant)

The Valorant new Patch 6.11 has some new changes that will change your play style drastically. This includes changes to Agents and also to maps, making some stronger and some positions weaker. The two major Agents that will be receiving changes are Chamber and Viper, effectively buffing the former and nerfing the latter.

Each Valorant update either makes small adjustments to the game, or intends to change the meta by introducing big changes. The 6.11 is definitely the latter, as major changes are coming to characters, maps, and also weapons. Riot is looking to improve Chamber, after his big nerf in patch 5.12.

Valorant new Patch 6.11: Breach, Viper, and Chamber changes


The 3 Agents in Valorant that will be getting the most changes are Breach, Viper, and Chamber. Breach will be getting a visual update and Viper will be getting some nerfs this patch to make playing against them a bit easier. Meanwhile, Chamber will be made viable again with the upcoming buffs. There are also some minor changes coming to other agents that will be discussed below.

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Chamber Buffs

Chamber has got some great buffs that will help with mobility and trapping opponents.

(E) Rendezvous

  • Reduced weapon equip time after post-teleport lockout 0.7s to 0s.

(C) Trademark

  • Disable range 4000 to 5000
  • Trap Arm speed 4sec to 2sec

(X) Tour De Force

  • Firing rate increased by 15%

These changes will help Chamber move easier with no cooldown after his teleport. His Ult has also been buffed to have increased fire rate. The best buff is to his tripwire, which can be better utilized on smaller maps to trap opponents. This will also work on maps with long-sightlines, which will help the agent immensely.

Viper Nerfs

Viper has been overbearing as an agent for a long time now, but this patch’s nerfs will tone her down significantly. This Agent has been meta for a while now with the dual Controller setup, to lock down the map. The nerfs will weaken her quite a bit, and her position in the meta might get downgraded quite a bit.

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Fuel Regeneration 

  • Reduced regeneration per second decreased from 5% to 3.3%
  • Regeneration to max fuel once empty increased from 20sec to 30sec

YouTube: Kanga – Valorant

Breach Changes

Breach has also received minor changes to his ultimate which will help players discern where it will hit exactly. This is a quality-of-life change, which will improve playmaking abilities for all players.

(X) Rolling Thunder

  • Warning visuals have been updated to provide a clearer edge to the ultimate’s area of effect. This will make it easier to understand when you will and will not be hit by he ultimate.

There are the also some added changes coming to various other agents.

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Changes to Agents

  • When hit by Concussing abilities, Yoru’s Fakeout (C) can now be visually affected.
  • The timing of Omen’s From the Shadows (X) voiceover line will come in quicker to increase your discernibility.
  • Sova’s cape dynamics were redone and smoothed out, while still maintaining a silhouette close to his body to not give away enemy position.
  • Cleaned up some of the code related to the trajectory of grenade-like projectiles such as Sova’s Shock Bolt (Q) and Recon Bolt (E), and Brimstone’s Incendiary (Q)

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