Home Valorant Valorant In Game Overlay That Will Help You a Lot

Valorant In Game Overlay That Will Help You a Lot

valorant in game overlay
10/11/2022 | Valorant in game overlay helps in many ways. Especially if you want some pre-information or tips for the game. | Credits: Reddit

Whether you’re looking to improve and monitor your progress or brag to your teammates, Valorant stat trackers are helpful tools to augment your gameplay in any game. Riot’s popular FPS team shooter Valorant is no exception, and with how popular the game has grown to be over time, there are plenty of reasons to seek to improve. We have listed down Valorant in game overlay for you.

Without an easy way to gauge the nitty-gritty stats of your performance in-game, some interesting options have sprung around the game while we wait for Riot to integrate their solutions. Stats like hours played, kills and deaths, and even how you did playing certain agents – all of these and more can help you vastly improve your performance.

1. Blitz.gg

Valorant Stat Trackers

Without mincing words, Blitz .gg is easily the best and most recognizable stat tracker for Valorant. Even a large number of pros use and hail it as their tracker of choice, so there’s no better recommendation than that. To use Blitz.gg, you would first have to download a separate client and keep it running while playing Valorant to access its tracking features.

Some of Blitz.gg features include map stats, stats for agents, and stats for weapons. It will give you helpful information about agent pick and win rates across different skill ranks, their map rates, as well as best team comps, to name a few. Along with these general stats, through a nifty dashboard Blitz. gg will provide you with more personalized information too, such as your match history or percentage of accuracy. There is even a post-match analysis feature, which might help you pinpoint areas of your gameplay to improve.

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Pros: No need to log in; Works with Valorant API; Vast array of stats.

Cons: You need to download and run a separate client.

2. Tracker.gg

Valorant Stat Trackers
Valorant Stat Trackers

A well-known name in the stat-tracking world, Tracker. gg also features Valorant among the vast number of games that they can help you keep up with. One of the best features across all Tracker. gg platforms are the user-provided content and guides that can earn profile awards for the uploaders. This portion is community-driven, which means that the best and most popular ones will naturally climb to the top, providing players with useful tips to improve and the stat tracking features they seek.

Another interesting feature of Tracker.gg is its mobile app portion, giving you a more versatile approach to monitoring your stats and learning about the game while you’re out and about. Pair that with a good amount of personal data that you can track, including an added benefit of a Twitch OBS overlay for streamers, and it’s easy to see how this would be another good stat tracker of choice.

Pros: Desktop and mobile app variants; Community-driven tips and guides; Twitch OBS overlay.

Cons: Pesky ads.

3. Dak.gg

For more of a beginner-friendly option, Dak.gg comes with more of a more limited repertoire of features and stats that won’t overwhelm the user. Unlike the previous two trackers that we’ve listed, Dak.gg is a tool that provides insight into the more average stat counts of your recent matches, such as the usual win rate, with average damage, average kills, and less detailed extrapolation of those stats, or your strengths and weaknesses as a player.

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One of the best features of Dak.gg, however, is its team composition tracker. Gathered from global stats, and updated every day, this tracker provides users with a great “at a glance” meta report. It comes with more useful global stats for different agents, such as their pick rates, win rates, KDA scores, and more.

Pros: Very beginner-friendly; Team composition tracker.

Cons: Limited individual player information.

4. Overwolf


By now a household name among gamers, Overwolf has grown into a popular framework app to attach to other apps that provide various benefits to their users across dozens of games. And as expected, Valorant apps can be found within their library, with trackers being the most popular among them.

Within Overwolf, it’s easy to set up integration with Tracker.gg that we’ve covered above, providing you with an easy tracking solution with even more benefits if you add more useful apps – such as highlight recorders, chat, and Twitch overlays.

A great way to use Overwolf is to leverage its overlay features, setting them up to work and look the way you want them to. It takes some getting used to and a bit of work to set everything up, but once you’ve set it all up just right, it can be an invaluable companion to your Valorant gaming sessions.

Pros: Versatility of apps across a huge game library; Provides a framework for more than just stat tracking; Tracker.gg integration.

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Cons: Takes some time to set everything up; The UI can seem messy at first.

5. ValorantStats.xyz

Valorant Stat Trackers
Valorant Stat Trackers

ValorantStats.xyz is an expansive tracker that could easily overload users with the amount of stats it provides. Their post-match algorithm analyzes your gameplay, providing you with useful information on areas to improve. It also tracks your performance across different maps, agents, weapons, and even team comps.

However, their algorithm is not infallible and sometimes will provide you with data that is plain wrong or bugged, so there are still some growing pains with this one. However, it’s got a bright future if they can iron out the kinks and find ways to provide data in an even more readable manner.

Pros: Very in-depth post-match analysis; Plays nice with Valorant API.

Cons: Sometimes buggy or provides wrong stats.


Tracking and analyzing your stats is fundamental to improving your gameplay and ranking up. Valorant’s API makes it difficult to extract useful data, but the apps we’ve listed should help you get an edge over the opposition. As the game grows and develops, we’re certain that the third-party support will grow and develop alongside it as well.

Valorant’s anti-cheat “Vanguard” has been another roadblock for developers, so finding a stat tracker that doesn’t strike a false positive with it is hugely beneficial for your player account. The five trackers we’ve listed above all have it in common: they are safe to use and compliant with Riot’s policies so that your account won’t get banned.

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