Valorant Episode 7 Act 1 update: New Valorant Progression update, New Currency and more!

Episode 7 Act 1 will bring in a new Valorant Progression update that will introduce a new currency and much more!

Last Updated on: 10th June 2023, 01:47 am

Valorant Progression update
New Valorant Progression update (image via. Valorant)

Valorant Episode 7 Act 1 is going to be released soon, and many new changes are coming along with it. There will be a new progression system, a new currency, a new way to get cosmetics and much more that we discuss here.

Riot Games often releases small sneak-peeks before they release the whole Valorant update, and this time is no different. Riot has released a look into the changes that will be coming to the game that will shake up the system quite a bit. The progression system will be completely changing with Episode 7, and that means players have till June 27th, 2023, to grind out Agent contracts.

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Valorant Episode 7 Act 1: New Progression System revealed!


Valorant is going into a new era with the launch of Episode 7, and coming with it are many changes to overall store, progression, new Agents, and much more. We discuss the new Progression System changes in detail down below.

Revamped Daily Rewards

Valorant Progression update
Valorant Progression update: New Dailies (image via. Valorant)

Riot has implemented a new system for daily rewards which will give players better rewards for playing Valorant daily. Daily rewards will reward you regardless of the game-mode you are playing, be it Escalation, Premier, Comp, Unrated, or even TDM.

The rewards will give player both XP and Kingdom Credits. Kingdom Credits will be a new form of currency, which we will discuss next.

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Kingdom Credits: New Currency

The latest Valorant update will have a new currency that will help players to unlock a variety of cosmetics. These credits will be earned even when players are completing dailies or the agent contacts.

These will be used everywhere, from unlocking agents, getting cosmetics and more.

Agent Contract

Valorant Progression update
Valorant Progression update: new Agent Contracts (image via. Valorant)

Agent contracts have been changed to be Agent Recruitment events, where the free event pass will automatically activate the day the new agent releases. This will stay active for a few weeks. Progress will be obtained by playing, but players can also buy the agent with VP if they want it urgently.

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If you couldn’t unlock the agent through the event you can spend Kingdom Credits to unlock it from the Valorant Store, after the end of the event.

Agent Gear and Accessory Store

The new update will have agent exclusive gear that can be unlocked using Kingdom Credits. The Accessory store will be a brand new addition to Valorant, and will contain refreshing rewards from previous battle passes. These will refresh every week and will require Kingdom credits to purchase.

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