Travis Scott Still Welcome in Fortnite, But No ETA on Return

Tim Sweeney, CEO of Epic Games, addressed Travis Scott's absence from Fortnite.

Last Updated on: 27th July 2023, 08:58 pm

Travis Scott and Fortnite Present: Astronomical (Full Event Video) - YouTube

Travis Scott Fortnite (image via. Travis Scott YouTube)

During an interview, Tim Sweeney, CEO of Epic Games, addressed Travis Scott’s absence from Fortnite. Following the Astroworld Festival tragedy that claimed 10 lives and injured hundreds more, Scott’s skin and associated cosmetics were removed from Fortnite due to legal considerations. Fortnite players have expressed great displeasure with Travis Scott’s absence as one of its items was best and one of its skins, thus making its absence even more dismal.

Sweeney stated

Sweeney stated that Scott is welcome in Fortnite, and the company continues working with him; however, no details regarding when or if his items will return.

“I don’t keep tabs on Item Shop rotations so it is difficult for me to know when items may arrive or how specific agreements with celebrities and brands affect this decision-making,” Sweeney explained.

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Travis Scott’s missing items have left many Fortnite players dismayed and bereft. Scott’s skin was among the most desired in-game cosmetics, thus making his absence all the more regrettable.

However, Epic Games understandably feels reluctant to bring back Scott’s items; after the Astroworld tragedy occurred and had such an insensitive impact, Epic would want nothing that might cause hurt feelings among victims or their loved ones. Fortnite Aura Skin New Style in 2022 Now in Shop By Epic Games

Time will only tell whether or not Travis Scott’s items return, though Sweeney has hinted at their possible reappearance in Fortnite. However, Sweeney has indicated this possibility remains open through her remarks about potential returns of Travis Scott items to Fortnite.

What Happened with Travis Scott?

In November 2021, Travis Scott’s skin and cosmetics were taken out of Fortnite following the Astroworld Festival tragedy, in which 10 people died, and hundreds more were injured. Players responded differently; some expressed displeasure, while others understood and supported this decision.

What Did Tim Sweeney Have to Say about Travis Scott?

During an interview, Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney recently addressed Travis Scott’s absence from Fortnite. According to Sweeney, Scott remains welcome within Fortnite, and they “are still working with him”. However, no specific details were provided regarding when or if Scott’s items will return to Fortnite.

Sweeney stated she wasn’t up-to-speed on item shop rotations, so she didn’t know which items or brands might appear soon or how any specific agreements involving celebrities and brands might impact this timeline of decisions. Is Epic Games Store down?

What Do Players Think about Travis Scott?

Some players have expressed hope that Scott’s items would eventually return. In contrast, others acknowledge why Epic Games may hesitate before including them back into the game – they are willing to wait until Epic feels it can bring the items back without issue.

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What Comes Next

Time will tell whether Travis Scott’s items return to Fortnite; however, Sweeney suggests there remains hope of their possible reappearance.

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