Top 5 GTA 5 San Andreas Mods in 2023

Top 5 GTA 5 San Andreas Mods in 2023
16/03/2023/ Top 5 GTA 5 San Andreas Mods in 2023

One of the most well-known games that players have dubbed a โ€œcult classicโ€ is GTA San Andreas. Although being launched in 2004, almost two decades ago, its narrative and characters are still present in a number of current games, both officially and through modifications.

Although Grand Theft Auto 5 is an HD Universe version of San Andreas, there are very few similarities between it and the first game. Nonetheless, the franchiseโ€™s modders are quite active and have produced a ton of modifications and patches that may transfer the feel of the older game to the newer game and vice versa.

Top 5 GTA 5 San Andreas Mods

1. HD Universe Carl Johnson

The San Andreas mod that allows players to play as the gameโ€™s main character is the best there is. With the help of this mod, Carl CJ Johnson is available in HD and completely captures the feel of Grand Theft Auto 5.

One of the gameโ€™s protagonists gets replaced with a character skin mod. Due to the fact that CJ and Franklin Clinton are somehow connected in the narrative, players can swap out Franklin Clinton for CJ to make a better match.

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Download link:

2. Player Switch โ€“ CJ HD Icon

The character-switching wheel now displays CJโ€™s profile image, whereas the previous hack brought CJ to Grand Theft Auto 5. Three variations of CJโ€™s face have been introduced by the developer: normal, young, and elderly.

Although while it doesnโ€™t significantly improve the game, when used with the CJ character skin, it completes the setup. Grand Theft Auto 5 now allows CJ to be played as a character. And for added realism, his profile photo is displayed on the character wheel.

The following URL is the download location:

3. San Andreas HUD

The HD Universe games no longer contain the always-visible HUD found in the original Grand Theft Auto games. Players are informed of their stats via these always-on HUDs without having to push any more buttons. Players may receive a HUD that is comparable to the one in the vintage game by using the San Andreas HUD mod to restore the functionality.

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Similar to those in San Andreas, the symbols and stat meters adjust according on the characterโ€™s activities. The default HUD that shows when the Tab button is hit is still visible after installing the mod, it should be noted. Instead, it gives the game screen a layer that is constantly on.

San Andreas HUD may be downloaded at

4. GTA San Andreas Mission Finish Sound

One of the most recognizable mission completion soundtracks in the Grand Theft Auto series can be found in San Andreas, and it has served as the basis for several memes and pop-culture allusions. Although each game in the series includes a jingle, San Andreasโ€™ song is the best.

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Players may use this mod to add the well-known soundtrack to the present game and complete objectives in gangsta fashion. The aforementioned video demonstrates how the mod will maintain every pop-up and setting from the normal configuration while adding the jingle to the conclusion screen.

Visit the following website to download:

5. Working Drive Thrus

The absence of easily accessible eateries is among the most often voiced grievances in Grand Theft Auto 5. Players can use this mod to change two already-existing eateries and give them a drive-thru option in order to resolve this problem.

Players may order a number of food dishes with San Andreas-related themes from the interaction menu, as seen in the video above. Each order will restore your health even if you cannot consume them immediately.

Visit this website to download:

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