Top 5 Best Guns in Apex Legends Mobile

Last Updated on: 23rd March 2022, 11:23 pm

Top 5 Best Guns in Apex Legends Mobile
Top 5 Best Guns in Apex Legends Mobile

Apex Legends Mobile made a new hype in the mobile gaming industry. This game introduces its soft launch in only 10 countries. Players from these countries have already downloaded the game and are enjoying the game’s features. Like other games, players also want to know the best guns in Apex Legends Mobile.

Guns are the most important weapons in the Battle Royale genre, it’s always a plus point for players to know the best guns before playing the game. And knowing about apex legends’ mobile best guns help them to rank up faster.

Top 5 Guns that Player Can use In Apex Legends Mobile

Here is a list of the top 5 guns in the apex legends mobile:

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1) R-301 Carbine

If you want a laser-like spray in the apex then you should choose R-301 Carbine. This gun is best for long-range, short-range, and also for mid-range means, this gun will never disappoint you in any range fight.

Including these types of specialty, this gun also has a slight recoil that can be controlled using ADS effectively. This gun can knock out multiple players in a single spray and deal a high level of damage. The magazine capacity for this gun is 18 bullets in a default situation, which can be increased to 28 by equipping an extended mag.

2) R-99

The R-99 is a submachine gun, holding one of the highest fire rates in Apex Legends Mobile, clocking in at 198 DPS. This is one of the best guns for intermediate and expert players. In the short-range, R-99’s explosive burst fire makes it the deadliest weapon of Apex Legend Mobile.

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R-99 is hard to control for new players because of its recoil and it comes with only 20 bullets. Bullet capacity can be increased to 27 bullets by using an extended magazine.

 3) EVA-8 Auto

In short-range fights, the shotgun is always best, and EVA-8 is an automatic shotgun in Apex Legends Mobile. This gun is extremely friendly for new players. Players can control this gun easily and it also has a great hip-fire.

4) M600 Spitfire

M600 Spitfire is one of the best in Apex Legends Mobile, in the LMG category. The gun can handle long-range fights because of its medium rate of fire and impeccable hip-fire accuracy.

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This gun can also handle short-range fights because of its magazine capacity.

5) Kraber .50 – Cal

According to players and reports Kraber .50 – Cal is the best sniper rifle in Apex Legends Mobile. This gun can down an enemy in a single headshot and its single shot can break the enemy’s body armor very easily.

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