BGMI: Top 3 Weapons for Close-Range Combat

BGMI weapons for close range
Top 3 BGMI weapons for close range combat with great damage hit, and others that help you during intense matches. | Credit: BGMI.

Battleground Mobile India (BGMI) includes various kinds of guns such as Assault Rifles, Sniper rifles, Melee, SMGs, and Shotguns. Each gun is fitted for a different range to destroy the enemies. Alongside these weapons involve some pros & cons, which players must know before using them during challenges.

However, some players face difficulty in short-distance immediate attacks, for which the game provides short-range weapons. Here we break down the top three BGMI weapons for close range combat and other important information related to these weapons.

Note: Look out, BGMI Battle Royale Pass Updates for June 2024.

Top 3 BGMI Weapons for Close Range Combat

M416 (Assault Rifle)

  • Hit Damage: 40
  • Zero Range: 100 – 400
  • Method: Magazine
  • Initial Bullet Speed: 780 m/s
  • Body Hit Impact Power: 3,500
  • Time Between Shots: 0.086s
  • Firing Modes: Single, Auto
  • Duration (Full): 3.1s
  • Duration (Tactical): 2.4s
  • Rarity: Uncommon
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M416 (also referred to as HX416), the most popular assault rifle is suitable for both close and mid-range combat. This weapon offers maximum damage within a range of 60 meters and a minimum of 445 meters. If we compare this rifle to other 5.6 mm assault rifles then this M416 is quite similar to the unmodified stage of the SCAR-L.

MP5K (SubMachine Gun)

  • Hit Damage: 33
  • Zero Range: 100 – 100
  • Method: Magazine
  • Initial Bullet Speed: 400 m/s
  • Body Hit Impact Power: 7,000
  • Time Between Shots: 0.0666s
  • Firing Modes: Single, Burst, Auto
  • Duration (Full): 3.4s
  • Duration (Tactical): 1.9s
  • Firing Base: 17

Second, on the list of best BGMI weapons for close range is the MP5K, a SubMachine Gun. This exclusive gun to Vikendi is the substitute for Vector along a side similar to it, in terms of firing mechanics. In this weapon, the higher per-bullet damage rate, with a lower firing rate & DPS.

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P90 (SubMachine Gun)

  • Hit Damage: 35
  • Method: Magazine
  • Magazine Size: 50
  • Ammo Type: 5.7mm
  • Attachment Points: 4
  • Rarity: Rare

If you wanted to be involved in the back-to-back battles then you must choose the exclusive P90. This is the perfect fit for the short and long-range damage. Additionally, it comes with its own unique 5.7 ammo, Handguard Cheek pad, pre-attached Silencer, and Laser. It provides dual optics features that help you to switch between close and mid-range combat during an intense battle. 

All BGMI (download) Weapons for close range have unique qualities and power. And each three of them is different from the other in terms of hit damage rate and more. So, choose according to your gameplay style. Alongside, we have a separate article on BGMI Top 3 Weapons for Mid-Range combat, check it out.

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