Last Updated on: 27th June 2021, 01:53 am

Tayson Fortnite: Guild Tayson 7 performs exceptionally well in the FNCS Chapter 6 All-Star Showdown. He beat everyone out there to reach the top of the leaderboards. The astonishing performance was seen during the FNCS All-Star Showdown Solo Battle Royale. GUILD Tayson Twitter thanks DestinyJesus for his coaching sessions. Find Tayson Fortnite name, age, earnings and all you need to know about him here.
It was a best of 6 solo battle royale where 100 players had to compete through 6 games. TaySon 7 beat all odds and finally took his FNCS Solo Champion EU Title. Read more to know about GUILD Tayson 7.
Who is Tayson Fortnite?

GUILD Tayson Fortnite is a professional Fortnite player that plays under GUILD esports. Tayson is from Slovenia originally. He has won multiple Trio Cash Cups before from FNCS and placed in the Top 3 as well. Here, you can find Tayson Fortnite name, age, face and earnings.
Name: GUILD TaySon 7
Age: 16 years
Earnings: Over $200k
Very recently, he played really well in the Solo Cash Cups as well. Since the last month his power ranking has peaked to 5500 as well (compared to last year’s 80,000). Finally, Tayson has also taken the FNCS Solo Championship to his name.
Also, check out this website where you can watch live FNCS Chapter 6.
What was GUILD Tayson Fortnite reaction to his win?
GUILD Tayson 7 was overwhelmed by his Victory at the end of the Solo Championship. However, he also posted a video of him being fully boxed up and yet getting shot. All of this because he was not at 0 ping.
Tayson Twitter tweeted out thanking his coach DestinyJesus who is a previous professional Fortnite esports player:
thanks to @DestinysJesus for coaching sessions
— GUILD TaySon (@taysonFN) June 26, 2021
This tweet came out as soon as he won the Solo All-Star FNCS. DestinyJesus also a previous coach for FaZe Clan coaches players throughout the world.
Here are the results for FNCS All-Star Showdown High Tier Battle EU.
What were the Final Standings of FNCS Solo Championship Fortnite All-Star Showdown?

The FNCS Solo Championship standings are as shown above. TCE Shizona62HZ took the first game. GUILD Tayson 7 took the next Victory Royale to his name. The last few matches were neck to neck with Solo Veno and GUILD Tayson Fortnite. Heretics K1nzell was also outperforming everyone. AOS nebs also having a Victory Royale to his name.
However, in the end GUILD Tayson 7 takes home the FNCS Solo Cash Cup. He took the dub with 2 Victory Royales and a whopping 134 points. About 80% of the points were from the placement that he made which again is not easy against other FNCS professionals.