Stop using potions wrong: League of Legends 2024

You are using potions wrong: League of Legends 2024
You are using potions wrong: League of Legends 2024 | Riot Games

League of Legends is a dynamic game of strategy and skill, where even small decisions can have significant consequences. One such decision, surprisingly, revolves around the use of health potions. While potions seem like an obvious safety net in tough lanes, understanding when not to use them is a nuanced tactic that can separate the skilled players from the novices.

The Hidden Cost of Health Potions

At first glance, chugging down a health potion appears to be a no-brainer. It restores a chunk of missing health, letting you survive longer and continue farming in the lane. However, there’s a less obvious cost associated with potion use that you need to be aware of:

  • Reduced Sustain: Many champions, especially melee fighters, have built-in sustain mechanisms like passive health regeneration or abilities that heal them. These effects often become stronger the lower your health is. Using a health potion early resets your health to a higher amount, effectively weakening your overall lane regeneration.
  • Opponent Aggression: When an opponent sees you chug a potion, it’s a sign you’re feeling the pressure. They might become more aggressive, knowing that a key defensive tool is on cooldown.
  • Temporary Solution: While a potion gives you an instant burst of health, it doesn’t address the root cause of why you’re losing trades. If you don’t learn to play around your opponent’s power spikes, you’ll keep needing more potions, making you less effective in the long run.

The Art of Potion Management

The key to masterful potion use in League of Legends isn’t necessarily using less, but using them more strategically. Here are some scenarios where holding onto your potions might be the better play:

  • Baiting Aggression: If you’re in a melee vs. ranged matchup, let the enemy chip away at your health early on. This will strengthen your natural regeneration, making you deceptively tanky. Your opponent might overcommit, misjudging your ability to survive their burst. At that point, you can punish them and even secure a kill.
  • Optimal Recall Timing: Try to sync your potion use with recalling back to base. If you’re forced to recall with potions still available, you’re essentially wasting their gold value. Instead, use them right beforehand, maximizing the health restoration before teleporting back to base to buy new items.
  • Mind Games: In some higher-level matchups, the mere threat of having a potion unused impacts the opponent’s aggression. They might play more cautiously for fear of you turning the tables on them, even if you’re actually running low on health.
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Situational Awareness

Of course, there are absolutely situations where using potions is vital. Here are some instances where you should pop that potion without hesitation:

  • Avoiding Death: If taking another hit would kill you, it’s potion time. A death means lost experience, gold, and lane pressure, so restoring health is paramount.
  • Securing Kills: If a potion significantly increases your chances of securing a kill, particularly in gank scenarios or close fights, it’s well worth the cost.
  • Against Grievous Wounds: If the enemy has abilities or items that reduce your healing, potions become far more important as your natural sustain is crippled.

“Consume red Health Potion 10 times” mission help
byu/MidoriLikesGreenTea inleagueoflegends

FAQs About Potions in League of Legends

  • When should I definitely use a potion? Use a potion in the following situations:

    • To avoid a death that would cost you significant gold and experience loss.
    • To gain a major advantage, like securing a kill.
    • If you’re facing champions or items that inflict Grievous Wounds (reduced healing).
  • What about Refillable Potion vs. starting with regular Health Potions? The choice between a Refillable Potion and Health Potions depends on your champion and the matchup. Refillable Potions are great for extended lane presence, while Health Potions offer stronger instant healing. If you anticipate needing immediate burst healing early on, opt for Health Potions.

  • Do potions affect abilities that scale with missing health? Yes! Abilities that scale with missing health often become stronger the less health you have. Using potions early on can diminish the power of these abilities.

  • Can I sell my potions later in the game? Unfortunately, no. Potions cannot be sold. Late-game, consider replacing them with more powerful or situational items, especially if your inventory space is limited.

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Remember: Strategic potion use is a nuanced skill. Understanding when to chug a potion and when to embrace the “slow burn” is crucial for dominating your lane in League of Legends. Experiment and adapt to find what works best for your playstyle and champion choices!

Mastering the “Slow Burn”

Top-tier League of Legends players understand the concept of the “slow burn.” This is the process of deliberately taking calculated damage, knowing your regeneration tools will make you stronger overall compared to immediate potion usage. Learning to play with lower health thresholds, while challenging, will make you a more resilient and deceptive laner.
Potions are a valuable resource, especially in the laning phase. The next time you’re about to impulsively use one, take these factors into consideration. Strategic potion management is a critical skill that can turn losing lanes into winning ones and help you climb to victory in League of Legends.
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