Last Updated on: 28th June 2021, 11:33 pm

Split is a map in Valorant that looks like a Japanese location. Alike other maps, Split has two spike centers where the attackers are asked to plant the spike and the defenders have to defuse the spike. So, what special on this map, and what are the best agent combinations to win on this map?
Best Agent Combination on Split Map in Valorant

Split is an interesting map where there are two sites and a vent. Furthermore, the vent is situated in the mid and helps the players to rotate fast from one spike spot to another. The mid-area in the Split map in Valorant is considered to be a very sensitive place and it is important to take care of the mod point in order to win round.
Split is a very tricky map in Valorant and players need to be very careful to win games on this map. Moreover, the map is considered one of the favourite maps for esports players as it gives equal opportunity to both attackers and defenders.

Sage, Reyna, Brimstone, Raze and Killjoy
Sage and Killjoy are sentinels which are must be needed on the split map in Valorant. Both these agents buy time when playing on a defensive side. Sage is mostly used to blocking the attackers to enter the midpoint of the map. Brimstone uses his smokes to block the enemy vision. And duelist like Raze and Reyna makes sure to collect kills using their abilities.
2. Sage, Jett, Killjoy, Omen and Reyna
Reyna and Omen are one the good flashers in Valorant and can be used on Split. Omen also uses his smoke abilities to block the enemy vision. Sage and Killjoy work as usual and are a threat when entering a site.
3. Killjoy, Sage, Yoru, KAYO and Jett
Jett dash abilities help the team to enter the spike site. Moreover, your can use his teleporter and make a surprise entry behind his enemies. Also, the latest addition Kayo is one of the best to collect information and suppress his enemies.
The list is based on many matches played on the professional level. So, here was all you need to know about the Split Map in Valorant.
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