Sandstorm Skin Fortnite: Immortal Sands Set Back In Item Shop

Sandstorm Skin Fortnite
Sandstorm Skin Fortnite

Immortal Sands Set:ย We have two outfits and one cosmetic from the Immortal sands set back in Fortnite today’s item shop. The skins that actually back include Sandstorm Skin Fortnite and Scimitar Fortnite Skin. Both are amazing skin that comes under rare rarity in the Fortnite Battle Royale.

We also have The Leftovers set outfits in today’s Fortnite item shop. You can check out these items under the featured item section in the Fortnite Battle Royale. In case you are planning to purchase any of the skins or cosmetics from today’s Fortnite item shop then it is advisable to purchase it as soon as possible as you know Fortnite updates its item shop every 24 hours.

Immortal Sands Set Outfits:

As mentioned two outfits from the Immortal sands set are back in the Fortnite item shop. One is a male character outfit and another one is a female character outfit. Both the Fortnite outfits were released to the game in Fortnite Chapter 1 Season 9.

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The release date of these Sandstorm Skin Fortnite and Scimitar Fortnite Skin is 14th June 2019. Till now this Immortal sands set has appeared in the Fortnite Battle Royale item shop around 22 times. Now, this set is again back to the Fortnite item shop on 11th January 2022. These Sandstorm Skin Fortnite and Scimitar Fortnite Skin have returned back to the item shop after almost 102 days.

It is the first time that this Immortal sands set has appeared in the item shop in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1. We get amazing skins and cosmetics with this set. It offers players skins that come in three selectable styles. Hence the items that are part of this set are preferred by many players.

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Sandstorm Skin Fortnite:

Firstly Sandstorm Skin comes under rare rarity in Fortnite Battle Royale. The in-game cost of this Sandstorm Skin is 1,200 V-Bucks. It comes in three selectable styles. One is the default selectable style, the second one is no mask selectable style, and the last one is with no mask and cowl selectable style. The character model of this Sandstorm Outfit is Malai.

Scimitar Fortnite Skin:

Firstly Scimitar Skin comes under rare rarity in Fortnite Battle Royale. The in-game cost of this Scimitar Skin is also 1,200 V-Bucks. Again it also comes in three selectable styles. One is the default selectable style, the second one is no mask selectable style, and the last one is with no mask and cowl selectable style. The in-game description of this Scimitar Skin states, “Razor sharp and battle-ready”.

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Chrono Contrail:

This Chrono contrail also comes under rare rarity in the Fortnite Battle Royale. The in-game cost of this Chrono Fortnite contrail is 400 V-Bucks. You can easily get it from today’s Fortnite item shop. The in-game description of this Chrono contrail states, “Timeless classic”.

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