Remnant 2 developer Gunfire Games has released the latest updates on May 9, 2024. This patch comes with large numbers of changes mainly for the Archetypes – Invoker and Archon. Moreover, it brings several adjustments and fixes to the weapons.
In-depth, look at the Remnant 2 Patch Notes 420332 and see how many fixes and upgrades happen.
Remnant 2 Patch Notes 420332 – 05/09/2024
Fixed Issues: Performance and Crashes
- Impact Cannon sometimes caused performance issues vs Annihilation, fixed
- Upgrading/Downgrading repeatedly could cause hitching or slowdown, fixed.
Remnant 2 Update 420,332 Patch Notes
byu/excaliburps inGames
Several Changes: Archetypes (Invoker)
Way of Kauela:
- Solved, Haste applied by other sources will no longer be removed when Kauela ends.
- Fixed, the Drenched Sound loop would remain after a kill.
- Fixed, the issue causing Tidal Wave to skip cooldown and multiple times.
- Fixed, recasts to refresh the Lighting Cooldown issue.
Not done yet, more changes taking place in the game:
Way of Meidra:
- Solved- Drenched no longer reverts to base damage upon Archetype swap.
- Should now, consistently heal friendly Companions & Summons.
- Fixed – allowing Way of Meidra to heal bosses issue.
Other improvement:
Way of Lydusa:
- Increased – Critical Bonus Chance from 5% to 10%.
- Added – Elemental Damage type for AOE Blasts.
- Now scales with Amplitude.
- Fixed – Skill Cooldown bar behaves properly when using the “reactivation” effect.
- Enabled – Sand Devils generation from Skill/Status Damage.
Read the latest patch notes here:https://t.co/b98oFR2KYT pic.twitter.com/s4E6iNViJ5
— Gunfire Games (@gunfire_games) May 9, 2024
Weapon Upgrades: Gear/items
Category – Ranged Weapons (Trinity, Thorn, Monolith, and others)
- Trinity – Base Damage increased from 42 to 44 per bolt
- Thorn – In Blowback Explosions, added mod damage scaling
- Monolith – Elemental damage type added to primary fire (ranged + elemental)
- Monolith – Primary Fire sometimes passes through parts of enemies, fixed
- Monolith (Sandstorm) -Fixed, when no Ammo was present preventing Mod use
- Monolith (Sandstorm): Fixed, preventing proper damage calculation
- Plasma Cutter – Solve the issue that caused certain VFX particles to drift
- Polygun – Not showing incorrect values when upgrading
- C.Aphelion – Solve the issue that caused the weapon to propel players across the map
- C.Sorrow – Fixed, preventing Heals from applying to Companions & Summons
Melee Weapons (Mirage, Crystal Staff, and more)
- Mirage – Fixed a UI problem causing the description to break the bounds of the Tooltip
- Mirage (Cyclone): Allow proper damage type scaling (Melee + Elemental)
- Crystal Staff: Incorrect damage scaling values, Fixed
- Crystal Staff: Fixed, Inspect information as showing incorrectly
- All Katanas: Backstep Damage Scalar increased from 0.9 to 1.45 per hit.
- Steel Katana: Critical Chance increased from 11% to 13%
- Edge of the Forrest: Critical Chance increased from 9% to 11%
Alongside more changes, fixes, and updates done by the Gunfire Games in its Remnant 2 Patch Notes 420332. In this article, we discuss some of the important ones and for the whole update visit the official site of the game by using this link. Check the review below.