How To Remake In Valorant?

How to Remake In Valorant
Valorant Breeze Map

Multiplayer game developers are well aware of the shortcomings faced by their gamer customer base in the course of gameplay. Many of them include unstable connections and technical errors. So, naturally, to tackle unforeseen disruptions such as these, companies always leave room for error correction.  When a teammate disconnects and the match begins with a four vs. five. Valorant players have the option to end the game and queue for a new one in a similar fashion to games like League of Legends.

Introduced in Patch 1.07 in 2020, this option prevents lopsided matches, wasted time, and unfair Ranked Rating loss.

If a player disconnects at the start of a match—from the beginning of the buy phase to the end of the first round. A “remake call” may be triggered at the start of the second round by typing /remake into the chat.

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What is Remake in Valorant?

Remake Valorant
Remake In Valorant

Remake in Valorant calls for the termination of the current match, and requests for a rematch. If you fail to rejoin the current match due to any reason. Developers let you request your team members to cancel the match with no discernable scorecard. Naturally, this is mostly used in small squad matches. Where the rest of the team members won’t mind a rematch if one of the faces technical failures.

The “remake call” essentially triggers an option in the game that checks if any players of the squad are currently Away From the Keyboard (AFK). And if they are, let the rest of the so-called in-game team members take a poll. As to whether they wish to begin a rematch. If the results of the poll are unanimously affirmative, the Valorant remake feature automatically cancels the game and declares it a draw.

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How To Remake?

To remake the match and start again from square one, all connected players on the team must agree to remake through a voting system.

If four players are remaining in the team, for example, every player has to vote ‘yes’ for the match to be remade. If even just one player votes ‘no’ for whatever reason. The game will advance to the next round. The remake vote lasts for the duration of the buy phase in the second round. If the vote is not passed, it will expire.

If the vote is passed and the game is remade. All players who voted will not receive an XP, RR, or MMR loss for the match. The disconnected player, however, will be punished and will receive a penalty equivalent to disconnecting from a full match.

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If the player is in your party and disconnects, you will not be able to start the remake voting, the player outside your party can. Remake only happens if the player is completely AFK in round 1 and if he makes any movement in round 2. The remake option will not show up.

To remake: Press Enter, Type /remake, and then type enter. Tell your teammates to press F5 or Yes.

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Anish Prasad
Anish Prasad
I am an ex-eSports athlete who never left eSports by heart. I cover eSports and live in the world of eSports and Games. That's all for now. We can connect on: