
Purchasing or Selling BGMI Accounts May Result in Account Suspension or Ban

BGMI accounts
17/01/2024| Krafton’s strict policies on BGMI accounts sale aim to maintain fair play, security, and gaming integrity. Violation can lead to severe consequences.| Credits: BGMI

In the ever-evolving landscape of mobile gaming, maintaining fair play, security, and the integrity of the gaming experience is of paramount importance. Krafton, the visionary developer behind Battlegroundsย Mobile India (BGMI), has established stringent policies against the sale and purchase of BGMI accounts to safeguard the gaming environment for all users. These policies aim to create a level playing field, ensuring that every player has an equal and enjoyable gaming experience.

This comprehensive set of guidelines, explicitly outlined by Krafton, encompasses prohibitions on account sale, purchase, advertising, and the use of third-party services in the BGMI community. The strict enforcement mechanisms employed by Krafton underscore the seriousness of these policies, with potential consequences ranging from in-game penalties to BGMI accounts suspension or permanent banning for violators.

The reasons behind Krafton’s unwavering stance against BGMI account transactions are rooted in fundamental principlesโ€”addressing security concerns, maintaining fairness, preventing cheating, and upholding the agreed-upon Terms of Service. This commitment to a secure, fair, and enjoyable gaming environment extends to all BGMI players, urging them to adhere to these rules and contribute to a positive and equitable gaming community. As we delve into the intricacies of these policies and their rationale, it becomes evident that Krafton’s approach is a proactive measure to preserve the essence of BGMI and nurture a community of passionate and fair-minded gamers.

Strict Policies on BGMI Accounts Sale and Purchase by Krafton

In adherence to a stringent policy established by Krafton, the developer of Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI), the sale and purchase of BGMI accounts are strictly prohibited. This directive is essential for maintaining fair play, ensuring a level playing field for all users, and preserving the integrity of the gaming experience. Below are detailed points outlining the consequences and activities that are strictly forbidden by Krafton:

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1. Account Sale Prohibition:
– Selling your BGMI account to another individual is explicitly prohibited.
– Engaging in such activities can result in severe consequences, including account suspension or banning.

ย 2. Account Purchase Prohibition:
– Buying a BGMI account from another person is strictly against Krafton’s policies.
– Consequences: Those found involved in purchasing accounts may face penalties, including account suspension or banning.

ย 3. Advertising Account Sale:
– Offering or advertising your BGMI account for sale on any platform is strictly forbidden.
– Users engaging in such practices risk facing disciplinary actions from Krafton, potentially leading to account suspension.

4. Use of Third-Party Services:
–ย  Utilizing any service or website claiming to buy or sell BGMI accounts is expressly prohibited.
–ย  Involvement with such third-party services may lead to account-related consequences, as Krafton strictly disapproves of these practices.

5. Stringent Enforcement:
– Krafton employs robust measures to enforce these policies and ensure fair play.
–ย  Users violating these rules may not only face in-game penalties but could also encounter account suspension or permanent banning.

All BGMI players must be aware of and abide by these guidelines set forth by Krafton to maintain a healthy and fair gaming environment. Engaging in any activities contrary to these policies not only jeopardizes individual accounts but also undermines the overall gaming experience for the entire BGMI community. Players are encouraged to prioritize fair play and enjoy the game within the established rules and regulations.

Reasons Behind Krafton’s Strict Policy Against BGMI Account Sale

Krafton, the developer of Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI), has implemented a stringent policy against the sale of BGMI accounts, and this decision is driven by several crucial reasons, underscoring the importance of maintaining the security, fairness, and integrity of the gaming experience.

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1. Security Concerns:
–ย  Selling BGMI accounts poses a significant security risk as it involves the transfer of personal information and game progress.
–ย  The potential exposure of personal data during account transactions can lead to privacy breaches, compromising the safety of players.

2. Ensuring Fairness:
–ย  Account sales create an uneven playing field by providing buyers with advantages such as acquiring high-level accounts or rare in-game items.
–ย  This imbalance undermines the principle of fair play, negatively impacting the gaming experience for those who choose to progress through the game organically.

3. Preventing Cheating and Illegal Activities:
–ย  The sale of accounts can be exploited to promote cheating or engage in other illicit activities within the game.
– Krafton aims to maintain a fair and competitive gaming environment by curbing practices that compromise the integrity of the gameplay.

4. Violation of Terms of Service:
–ย  Selling or buying BGMI accounts directly violates Kraftonโ€™s Terms of Service, which users agree to upon playing the game.
–ย  Players engaging in such activities are subject to penalties, ranging from account suspension to permanent banning, as a consequence of violating the established terms.

5. Serious Consequences for Violation:
–ย  The consequences of selling or buying BGMI accounts are severe and can include account suspension or permanent ban, loss of in-game progress, and financial loss.
– Krafton enforces these penalties to deter players from participating in activities that compromise the integrity of the game and the experience of other players.

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By implementing and enforcing these policies, Krafton aims to create a secure, fair, and enjoyable gaming environment for all BGMI players while safeguarding the integrity of the game’s competitive landscape. Players are strongly advised to adhere to these rules to avoid facing detrimental consequences and to contribute to a positive and equitable gaming community.


In the rapidly evolving landscape of mobile gaming, Krafton, the developer of Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI), has instituted stringent policies against the sale and purchase of BGMI accounts. These measures are crucial for upholding fair play, ensuring security, and preserving the integrity of the gaming experience. The comprehensive guidelines explicitly outlined by Krafton encompass prohibitions on account transactions, advertising, and engagement with third-party services within the BGMI community. The seriousness of these policies is underscored by Krafton’s robust enforcement mechanisms, with potential consequences ranging from in-game penalties to account suspension or permanent banning.

The rationale behind Krafton’s unwavering stance lies in fundamental principles, addressing security concerns, maintaining fairness, preventing cheating, and upholding the agreed-upon Terms of Service. This commitment to a secure, fair, and enjoyable gaming environment extends to all BGMI players, urging them to adhere to the rules and contribute to a positive and equitable gaming community. The reasons behind Krafton’s strict policy are grounded in ensuring player safety, promoting fair competition, and deterring activities that compromise the overall gaming experience. In conclusion, Krafton’s proactive approach reflects a commitment to preserving the essence of BGMI and fostering a community of passionate and fair-minded gamers.