Last Updated on: 19th March 2023, 11:04 pm

The sustainability week is live in the pokemon go and also come up with two new pokemon. Earth Day is just a few days away, sustainability week is live, and community day is on its way to the game. There are so many things running in the pokemon game and also so many things on their way to the game. In this blog post, you will read about one of the latest pokemon in Pokemon Go Oranguru. Not just about this pokemon but also ways to find and catch to complete the challenges and obtain rewards. (cialis online)
Oranguru in Pokemon Go: Everything You Need to Know!
A new Alola region begins in the game and along with a new season, two new pokemon come to the game. Oranguru and Shiny Cherubi are the two new pokemon in the game with new identities. They both are part of the two running events Alola region and one upcoming Earth Day in pokemon go.
Furthermore, the good news about these pokemon is during the current week’s sustainability week they will appear more frequently. But many players still don’t know about the Oranguru and that’s why in this blog you will read about their way and tips to find and catch Oranguru. If you want to know about the easiest way to get your hands on Oranguru then keep reading the blog.
Oranguru: Introduction
Oranguru is a pokemon with high intelligence who lives in trees and sometimes roams around beaches (or water). It became part of the pokemon anime in the sun and moon series and it’s one of the most popular earthy pokemon anime.
How to Find and Catch Oranguru in Pokemon Go?
The best and idle way to get your hand on Oranguru is during sustainability week, Earth Day, and April community day. If you don’t know, sustainability week is already live and Earth Day is on the 22nd of April. Moreover, just after Earth Day, the April Community Day is waiting for you on the 23rd of April.
#01: Walk, Incense, and Catch Every Pokemon
The first and most common way to get your phone and start walking. Furthermore, use incense while walking because it will help you to increase the chances of random pokemon. The most important thing about the event is that you catch every pokemon. If you just skip pokemon because it’s on Oranguru then you will decrease the chances to catch Oranguru.
#02: 7 Km Eggs
The next 50-50 chance is to hatch as many 7 Km eggs as you can in Pokemon Go. The reason is quite simple, Oranguru is an official pokemon in the game and it will appear in all available ways. To increase the chances players also use better incubators from the store and the rest is up to you.