
Mouz Announces Powerful Valorant Roster for the 2024 Season

19/01/2023 | Mouz unveils a potent Valorant roster for 2024, blending experience and fresh talent. Dive into player profiles, coach’s insights, and Challengers 2024 expectations. | Credits: Mouz

In the dynamic realm of esports, where precision meets strategy and talent collides with determination, Mouz, the renowned esports organization, is set to unfold a gripping chapter in its Valorant saga for the year 2024. Armed with a formidable roster blending seasoned veterans and emerging stars, Mouz aims to make a resounding impact in the highly competitive Challengers circuit. The unveiling of their 2024 Valorant team introduces a compelling narrative, as the organization, with its eyes on victory, readies itself for the challenges and triumphs that the season will inevitably bring.

The five-player lineup, featuring Ilari “iluri” Puranen, Nico “Obnoks” Garczarczyk, Tselmeg “xuss” Tsolmon, David “Fizzy” Figueiredo, and Krzysztof “starki” Lewandrowski, reflects Mouz’s commitment to assembling a versatile and skilled squad. As they prepare to navigate the intricacies of the Challengers 2024 DACH: Evolution Split 1, Mouz’s coach, Jiri “KUNDIKUNDI” Honkala, instils a sense of confidence, declaring that the team has showcased its prowess during the off-season, setting the expectation to be the best in the region. This introduction sets the stage for an enthralling journey, where Mouz’s quest for Valorant dominance in 2024 promises excitement, intensity, and the pursuit of victory.

Mouz, the formidable esports organization, is gearing up for an action-packed 2024 Valorant season with a blend of experienced players and fresh talent. Let’s delve into the lineup and expectations for the upcoming Challengers circuit.

Mouz’s Valorant 2024 Squad

Mouz is leaving no stone unturned as it unveils its Valorant roster for the 2024 season. The lineup features a mix of returning veterans and promising newcomers, promising an exciting journey in the competitive scene. Here’s a closer look at the players who will be donning the Mouz jersey:

  1. Ilari “iluri” Puranen
  2. Nico “Obnoks” Garczarczyk
  3. Tselmeg “xuss” Tsolmon
  4. David “Fizzy” Figueiredo
  5. Krzysztof “starki” Lewandrowski
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Coach’s Perspective: Aiming for the Top

Coach Jiri “KUNDIKUNDI” Honkala is not mincing words about Mouz’s aspirations for the 2024 season. He confidently states, “We proved to everyone during the off-season that we are the best team in our region, and that should be the expectation for this year also.” Despite the realistic acknowledgement that specific results can’t be guaranteed, the coach emphasizes that the team possesses all the essential elements for success.

Challengers 2024 DACH: Evolution Split 1

The battleground for Mouz’s Valorant prowess will be the Challengers 2024 DACH: Evolution Split 1, scheduled to unfold between February 10 and April 28. This sets the stage for the team to showcase their skills, strategies, and hunger for victory. As Mouz steps into this challenging competition, they are poised to make waves and etch their mark on the evolving Valorant landscape.

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Player Profiles: A Closer Look

Ilari “iluri” Puranen

Ilari Puranen, known by his in-game moniker “iluri,” brings a wealth of experience to the team. His proven track record and strategic gameplay make him a cornerstone for Mouz’s ambitions in the upcoming season.

Nico “Obnoks” Garczarczyk

Nico Garczarczyk, recognized as “Obnoks,” injects a fresh dynamic into the roster. As a new addition, he aims to complement the team’s existing strengths and contribute to their journey towards excellence.

Tselmeg “xuss” Tsolmon

Tselmeg Tsolmon, also known as “xuss,” represents the vigour of emerging talent. His inclusion signifies Mouz’s commitment to nurturing and integrating promising players into their competitive lineup.

David “Fizzy” Figueiredo

David Figueiredo, or “Fizzy,” adds another layer of skill to the squad. His proficiency in Valorant and adaptability to dynamic in-game scenarios make him a valuable asset for Mouz.

Krzysztof “starki” Lewandrowski

Krzysztof Lewandrowski, alias “starki,” completes the ensemble with his strategic insights and individual prowess. As Mouz’s Valorant team takes shape, starki’s role is pivotal in achieving a well-rounded competitive edge.

Coach’s Vision: Hunger for Victory

Coach KUNDIKUNDI’s emphasis on hunger for victory is palpable. Mousesports, having established themselves as a force to be reckoned with in the off-season, enters the 2024 season with not just a winning mentality but a hunger to dominate. The coach’s words echo a sense of determination and confidence that will undoubtedly fuel the team’s pursuit of success.

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Expectations and Aspirations

As Mousesports steps onto the Valorant stage for the 2024 season, expectations are high. The combination of seasoned players and rising stars set the stage for a compelling narrative. While specific outcomes can’t be guaranteed in the unpredictable realm of esports, Mouz’s commitment to excellence positions them as contenders for the top spot.


In the ever-evolving landscape of competitive Valorant, Mousesports stands ready to script its 2024 saga. The roster reveal sparks anticipation, and fans eagerly await the team’s performance in the Challengers 2024 DACH: Evolution Split 1. As Mouz navigates through challenges, adversaries, and victories, their journey promises to be a captivating chapter in the larger narrative of esports.

Whether they emerge as champions or face setbacks, Mousesports’s Valorant journey is one that enthusiasts will follow with bated breath. The esports arena awaits, and Mouz is gearing up to leave an indelible mark on the Valorant landscape in 2024.

Anish Prasad
Anish Prasad
I am an ex-eSports athlete who never left eSports by heart. I cover eSports and live in the world of eSports and Games. That's all for now. We can connect on: