More Chamber Nerf Coming Into Valorant: New Update

More Chamber Nerf Coming Into Valorant
The next Valorant patch will nerf the power of shotguns and brings some changes to Competitive Mode(Image Via Moroesports).

Riot Games has stated that Chamber is still being balanced, with more nerfs to come for the overbearing agent. Chamber has been one of the most picked agents in Valorant since his debut, and he’s been a key component in many winning compositions.

Riot has received several complaints about Chamber’s power and responded with numerous nerfs in the 5.03 patch. However, despite the several nerfs, Chamber is still a popular pick in current leagues and is regarded as one of the best across all categories.

While some players feel that these modifications were necessary, others feel that they just make an already tough-to-use Operator even more difficult to use.

The developer has stated that they are aware of the negative effect that Chamber has on the Valorant ecosystem, and they are currently examining his kit to make further changes. we may see more nerfs to Chamber shortly.

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More Chamber Nerf Coming Into Valorant

The primary intention behind nerfing Chamber is to make him less appealing to the most skilled players. The reason is, that he has a high learning curve and isn’t always practical by the current game meta. By weakening him, it is hoped that he will be chosen less frequently by top-tier players.

The most important change to Chamber in Patch 5.03 is the duration of his ultimate ability being shortened. The ultimate now lasts for 8 seconds, but it will only last for 6 after the nerf. This is a significant drop, and it will make defending with ultimates much more difficult for Sentinel players.

In addition to this, the ultimate’s cooldown will be increased from 20 seconds to 30 seconds. This implies that players must be considerably more cautious about when they utilize their ultimate, as it will now be on a much longer cooldown.

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The nerfs to Sentinel are certain to be devastating, but it remains to be seen how significant an impact they will have on the meta as a whole. Sentinel will likely remain a viable choice, but he’ll be less powerful than he is now.

New Chambers

The Regional Damage Breakup is now applied to both Neo and Jett’s abilities. This means that players in different regions will see slightly different damage values for their abilities, based on their location.

Neo’s Bouncing Fish ability now deals 3 damage to foes, up from 2, and her Decoy ability costs 2 charges rather than 3. Jett’s Cloudburst ability now has a smaller radius but will cost 2 charges instead of 3. Her Updraft ability now allows her to move faster and lasts for a shorter duration.

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While this update may not be noticeable to players, it improves the toolset available to Riot developers in many ways. The goal of any Engine update is for it to happen under the radar.

Riot Games is aware of some issues, such as the user interface behaving strangely. But these are being fixed as quickly as possible. Players should expect malfunctioning game functionality and a mess in the Main Menu. If anything interrupts the play, gamers are urged to report a bug.

Riot Games is changing Neon’s ultimate to function in the same way as weapons do, according to similar regional damage standards. This implies that the head and legs of an opponent would receive different damage multipliers if hit.

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