Home Fortnite How to Visit Ghost and Shadow Ruins in Fortnite?

How to Visit Ghost and Shadow Ruins in Fortnite?

Where to visit Ghost and Shadow ruins in Fortnite? There are many locations in Fortnite to visit Ghost and Shadow ruins. Go check out all of these locations mentioned below in this article.


Last Updated on: 28th May 2021, 12:54 pm

Visit Ghost and Shadow Ruins Fortnite
Visit Ghost and Shadow Ruins Fortnite

How to Visit Ghost and Shadow Ruins in Fortnite: Fortnite Season 6 Week 11 challenge requires the players to visit Ghost and Shadow locations to earn 24,000 XP. What happened to Ghost and Shadow organizations in the previous season is that they are still hiding somewhere from A.L.T E.R. Let us learn all the locations to visit Ghost and Shadow in Fortnite.

Ghost and Shadow are two very well-known organizations of Fortnite from previous seasons. Also, the sudden addition of these organizations in the Season 6 challenge may have some reasons. Like Season 7 may consist of Ghost and Shadow and their ruins too.

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Visit Ghost and Shadow Ruins in Fortnite: All Locations

Ghost and Shadow first came in Chapter 2 Season 2 in Fortnite. Ghosts were seen dressed in white and Shadows in black color. At that time players were quite curious to know whether they could unlock both styles. Moreover, both Ghost and Shadows styles were unlockable then.

There are many locations in Fortnite to visit Ghost and Shadow ruins Fortnite. All of the locations are given below:

Visit Ghost and Shadow Ruins Location in Fortnite
Locations in Fortnite

Where to Find Ghost Ruins Locations?

It is quite easy to find Ghost ruins in Fortnite. Players just need to visit Sharky Shell. It is present just above the Corol Castle. Moreover, Sharky Shell is present in the northwest region of this region. Here you have to enter a building near Shark Stone to complete the task.

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Where to Find Shadow Ruins Locations?

To visit Shadow ruins you have to reach the Retail Row. Go to the north of this region and you will locate a huge pool. You will find Shadow ruins inside a cliff. It is easy to find this cliff as it may contain a logo of Shadow.

Another important location to complete this task is to visit Catty Corner. Here you will find the Redacted bunker. Inside this bunker, you can easily find such ruins.

Players highly liked Ghost and Shadow organizations in Fortnite’s previous Season. Players were more inclined towards Ghost style as it was shinier and more visible than Shadow. We hope this guide has helped you get all the locations to visit Ghost and Shadow ruins.

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