How to Fast Travel in Dragon’s Dogma 2: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Fast Travel in Dragon's Dogma 2: A Comprehensive Guide
How to Fast Travel in Dragon’s Dogma 2: A Comprehensive Guide

Dragon’s Dogma 2’s world is vast and beautiful, but traversing it on foot can get time-consuming. Fortunately, the game offers several ways to streamline your journey, allowing you to quickly reach distant locations and save precious time.

Methods of Fast Travel

Here are the main ways to fast travel in Dragon’s Dogma 2:

  • Oxcarts: These slow but steady carts travel established routes between major settlements. You’ll often find them near city gates. Approach the signpost/bell associated with an oxcart, pay a nominal fee, and relax as your party is transported to its destination. Oxcarts are an easy and affordable method of early-game fast travel.
  • Ferrystones and Portcrystals: This is the core fast travel system in Dragon’s Dogma 2. Here’s how it works:
    1. Discover Portcrystals: Portcrystals are tall, glowing purple structures scattered throughout the world. To activate them for fast travel, simply approach and interact with one.
    2. Obtain Ferrystones: Ferrystones are single-use items that enable instant teleportation to any activated Portcrystal. You can find them within chests, as quest rewards, or purchase them from certain vendors (like Philbert in Vernworth) for a hefty price (usually around 10,000 Gold).
    3. Fast Travel: Open your inventory, navigate to the ‘Tools’ tab, select a Ferrystone, and choose the Portcrystal you want to travel to.
  • Placeable Portcrystals (Later Game): As you progress through the story, you’ll gain the ability to place temporary Portcrystals. These function similarly to permanent ones, giving you greater flexibility by creating fast travel points at key locations around the map.

Important Considerations

  • Cost: Oxcarts are the cheapest fast travel option. Ferrystones are significantly more expensive, making them best reserved for urgent trips or when you need to reach distant, oxcart-inaccessible locations.
  • Oxcart Availability: Not all major locations are connected via oxcart routes. Oxcarts are also scheduled, usually departing in the early morning. Consider their timing limitations when planning your travels.
  • Portcrystal Limitations: You can only teleport to Portcrystals you’ve already discovered and activated. Take the time to explore and interact with any Portcrystals you encounter.
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Tips for Efficient Fast Travel

  • Prioritize Central Portcrystals: Some Portcrystals are located in more strategic areas, offering quick access to multiple regions. Activating these should be a priority.
  • Carry Spare Ferrystones:  Have a few Ferrystones on hand in case of emergencies or time-sensitive quests.
  • Utilize Oxcarts Strategically: When you have the luxury of time and want to reach a location on an established route, opt for the cheaper oxcart system.
  • Plan Ahead: Before setting out on a long journey, try to determine the closest established fast travel points to your destination. This will help you plan your route effectively.

Additional Tips

  • Stock up: Keep a few Ferrystones on hand for emergencies.
  • Strategize: Use oxcarts when time isn’t a factor and for cheaper travel along established routes.
  • Explore: Activate Portcrystals whenever you find them to expand your fast travel network.
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Fast travel is a powerful tool in Dragon’s Dogma 2, allowing you to explore the sprawling world efficiently and with less backtracking. By understanding the different methods and their nuances, you can make the most of your time and adventures in this captivating RPG.(Source)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Fast Travel

Q: How does the fast travel system work in Dragon’s Dogma 2?

A: Dragon’s Dogma 2 offers multiple ways to fast travel:

  • Oxcarts: Slow, scheduled carts connecting major settlements.
  • Ferrystones and Portcrystals: Ferrystones allow instant teleportation to any activated Portcrystals, the core fast travel system.
  • Placeable Portcrystals: Later in the game, you can temporarily place Portcrystals for extra flexibility.
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Q: Where do I find Portcrystals?

A: Portcrystals are tall, glowing purple structures scattered throughout the world. Keep an eye out for them as you explore new areas. To activate a Portcrystal, simply approach and interact with it.

Q: How do I get Ferrystones?

A: You can find Ferrystones in chests, as quest rewards, or you can purchase them from certain vendors. While convenient, Ferrystones can be expensive.

Q: Can I fast travel to any location?

A: With Ferrystones, you can only instantly travel to Portcrystals you’ve already discovered and activated. Placeable Portcrystals add more options, but fast travel isn’t completely unrestricted.

Q: Is there a cost associated with fast travel?

A: Yes. Oxcarts are the most affordable options, while Ferrystones are more expensive. Placeable Portcrystals incur a crafting cost upon placement.

Q: Do I need to carry Ferrystones to fast travel?

A: Yes. Ferrystones are single-use items, so you’ll need one in your inventory each time you want to instantly teleport.

Q: Can I set up my own fast travel points?

A: Yes, later in the game you’ll gain the ability to place temporary Portcrystals, offering greater flexibility when exploring remote locations.