How To Earn The Gun Master Medal In COD Mobile: Recently, an all new Outlasting Blackout seasonal event had launched in COD Mobile celebrating the release of the exclusive new Blackout BR map.
The event features a couple of objective and rewards and earning the gun master medal is also one of them. Therefore, follow up on this article to know how to earn the gun master medal and details regarding the Outlasting Blackout event.
Call of Duty Mobile is already achieving milestones and receiving immense support by the players. Also, the season 8 is already live in COD Mobile featuring numerous additions.
The all new season offers various new MP and BR maps concluding the Blackout Map deriving from COD Black OPS. The new map is already live and recently an all new event had also launched on the theme of this map in COD Mobile.
The event is called Outlasting Blackout seasonal event and it features a couple of objectives and rewards accordingly. And, one of its objectives conclude earning the Gun master medal.
Therefore, here are the details to get the gun master medal and the overall Blackout event in COD Mobile.
Meanwhile, click here to know how to get the Crackdown Medal in COD Mobile!
How To Earn The Gun Master Medal In COD Mobile:
The Gun master medal is an exclusive medal that can be earned by the players in the BR mode. Players need to kill 8 or more enemies in a single game in the BR mode in COD Mobile to earn the Gun Master Medal In CODM.
Players can earn 1 medal by killing 8 enemies and more by killing more enemies in the BR mode. Meanwhile, players need to perform this excluding the walfare mode.
Also, the event even features several other missions and rewards. Therefore, here are the details regarding the Outlasting Blackout Seasonal event.
Here is the List of Challenges And Rewards in the Outlasting Blackout Event in COD Mobile:
The Outlasting Blackout event is already live in COD Mobile and will remain live for the next 20 days. And, the event features numerous mission and rewards as mentioned below.
- Play 3 blackout matches and get 1000 Credits and 1000 Battle Pass XP as a reward.
- Land in nuketown island 3 times in BR blackout matches and gain a Scout Bullet Metal and 1000 Battle Pass XP as a reward.
- Kill 10 enemies in nuketown island in BR blackout matches and earn a Ninja Bullet medal and 2000 Battle Pass XP as a reward.
- Kill 25 enemies with any SMG in BR blackout matches and gain x2 Anniversary badge and 2000 Battle Pass XP as a reward.
- Enter the top 20 in BR blackout matches 3 times and earn the Two guys chilling card and 3000 Battle Pass XP as a reward.
- Kill 10 enemies with any customized weapon from your loadout in BR blackout matches and gain MW11 Shuttle Camo and 3000 Battle Pass XP as a reward.
- Earn the gun master medal in BR matches once and get the exclusive Battery Shuttle Character skin and 4000 Battle Pass XP as a reward.
Therefore, that’s all about earning the gun master medal and the Outlasting Blackout Event in COD Mobile!
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