GTA 5 is one of the most iconic games released by Rockstar in past few years. Grand Theft Auto or commonly known as GTA is one of the highest-grossing games, with fans all around the world.
GTA 5 is a free-world game, where players get to choose between three characters to play. Each of these 3 characters has a different storyline, which makes the game even more interesting to play. In the free-world aspect, there is little that you cannot do in the world of GTA 5.
However, one of the important aspects of playing GTA 5 is earning money. In the game, you will need money to buy guns, vehicles, houses and more. Here is how you can make a ton of money in GTA V Online.
1- Robbing Armoured Vehicles:
Armoured Vehicles are donated by a blue dot on the map. Usually when you see someone near the parked armoured vehicle with a briefcase, and you shoot that character, you will get GTA$ 3,000 – 8,000.
Or you can steal the armoured car and break the back door of the vehicle and loot the money. The only catch is that this will instantly get you 3 stars wanted level.
2- $100,000 Mission:
Anyhow, when you’re playing, a blue marker could appear next to Little Bighorn Avenue, which is situated in the Rancho neighbourhood in the southeast corner of the city (especially if you’re playing as Franklin and free roaming about his house).
If it does, look into what’s happening because a young boy named Gray Nicholson may be informing you that his bike was stolen.
If so, give it back to him because he’ll text you later to claim he’s a billionaire and give you $100,000!
3- Robbing ATMs:
This is rather an unusual way. You need to wait for the dummies in the game to visit ATMs and withdraw money. After they are done with it, you can loot them to get easy money.
However, if you use a gun and other dummies listen to the gunshot, they will refrain from coming to the ATM. It is advisable to use a non-lethal weapon before robbing them.
Well, money can also be earned by completing story and side missions in the game. However the above methods are if you are just a casual gamer and are looking to wreak some havoc in the world of GTA 5.
Also Read- GTA V: Complete List of GTA 5 Cheat Codes