Best Free fire Characters With Active Ability In August 2022

Last Updated on: 11th August 2022, 12:37 pm

Best Free fire Characters With Active Ability In August 2022

The significance of team members in Free Fire has grown as the game has progressed. Active and passive abilities are the most common among these characters, although they may be classified more specifically. Users must activate the former, but the latter’s benefits are always active. When compared individually, active ones generally have a greater impact than passive alternatives.

The abilities of the characters are at their lowest levels, and Free Fire players can improve them to their fullest potential.

Free Fire Characters


Skyler is the best player. However, there is an 85-second cooldown period. Furthermore, each Gloo Wall deployed will restore 5 HP per round until it’s destroyed.

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If you’re facing a team with multiple Skylers, make sure they’re the first ones eliminated since they can quickly ruin your strategy. Alternatively, try to keep your distance and kite them because they won’t be able to do much damage from afar.

Dimitri – Free Fire Character

Dimitri creates a 3.5-meter diameter immobilizing field. This zone lasts 10 seconds and may be used after a wait of 85 seconds. The ability to self-revive, as seen in Alok, is also possessed by Lord Kapella.

However, whereas Alok’s healing capability was lower, this skill has a more modest regeneration boost.


This ability gives you a little boost to speed, as well as healing over time. It’s ideal for escaping from difficult situations or pursuing down opponents. Alok can provide 5 meter speed with ten percentage of increase. The appropriate timing will be 70 seconds.

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In a game with two teams of five players each, “Thrill of Battle” is an off-class that can be used to create an advantage on the field. By preventing opponents from using their skills or waiting for their cooldowns, it makes it more difficult for them to counterattack or flee. The duration of these effects is 20 seconds, which should ample time for your squad to take advantage of the opportunity.

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