
Fortnite Season 6: Are the nerfed Primal Shotguns Usable?

In this article, we discuss about the nerf & whether the shotguns are still a good option or not.

Nerfed Primal Shotguns?
Fortnite Nerfed Primal Shotguns?

In Fortnite Season 6, with the theme of ‘Primal’, the game introduced the new Primal shotguns. But just after the release of this new gun, players have faced many problems. Primal Shotguns are the most powerful guns in Fortnite. Players having these Primal shotguns have the upper hand over the other opponents. Due to this issue, Epic Games has nerfed the Primal Shotguns. So, here we discuss whether the nerfed shotguns are still a good option or not.

The new update v16.10 of Fortnite has nerfed the Primal Shotguns. With the update, its fire rate has been reduced from 2.7 to 2.4. Moreover, there is not much change, but the gun’s overall power is less than before.

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Nerfed Primal Shotguns: Still Strong Enough?

Fortnite has reduced the Primal shotgun’s power, yet players are complaining that the power still needs to get lessened even more. The tweet of @AussieAntics regarding the nerfed primal shotgun reads as This looks no different but this is ADS speed. The main issue is the non ADS speed when people box hop which is faster so hopefully that is what received the nerf.”

With the new update, there is an increase in headshot damage. Moreover, there is a reduction in body shot damage. The nerfed primal shotguns have more accuracy now.

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Even though the headshot power of the nerfed primal shotguns has increased, but still, its unlikely to land effective headshots. It is also advisable not to use it in mid-range combats. However, players can easily fight out the close-range combats with this gun.

Players have noticed that it takes some time to reload the nerfed primal shotgun. So, you are left helpless during the reload conditions. But still, the nerfed primal shotguns can prove quite threatening to the opponents.

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Maninder Beniwal
Maninder Beniwal
Maninder, a guest writer on MoroEsports, is contributing to Mobile Esports and sharpening her skills in writing.