Fortnite Chapter 3 Tips and Tricks: You Need To Know

Fortnite Chapter 3 tips
Fortnite Chapter 3 Tips

Fortnite Chapter 3 Tips and Tricks: Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1 is finally here and tones of new things that most of you probably don’t know are added to the game. If you want to get your first win and dominate in Fortnite chapter 3 then you are at the right place.

Epic has added so many new secret things to the game. If you know them in advance then these things will help you in getting an edge over your opponents in the Fortnite Battle Royale match. It will also help you in increasing your chances of winning the match.

Fortnite Chapter 3 Tips:

Fortnite Chapter 3 Tips
Fortnite Chapter 3 Tips
  • Guaranteed LLama 

LLama is an easy way to get a bunch of materials and some extra heals that will help you in winning the game. In Fortnite Chapter 3, there is actually a guaranteed llama spwan on the map. There is a battle pass skin and a big llama. You will find it in a small hut in every single match.

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You will get exotic items and sometimes you may get some extra minis and big pots and normal splashes in the llama. As a result, you will find many players landing at this location. However, you should definitely try landing at this location once.

  • Supply Drop Back

There was a way to start the game with a guaranteed supply drop back in Season 3 of Chapter 2. There was a secret boat that used to spawn randomly in every single match on the outskirts of the Fortnite Battle Royale Map. It contains supply drop, some chests, and some fruit baskets.

Now it is again back in Fortnite Chapter 3. It still has the supply drop, new seven chests, and some extra chests as well as the fruit baskets. If you want to find the ship then you will have to look for it only after coming out of the Battle Bus only because it can spawn literally anywhere on the map.

  • MK-7 Weapon

Most people know that the MK-7 is the best weapon and assault rifle to ever come to Fortnite and is probably the best weapon in Chapter 3 so far. It is very good for spraying and taking long-range fights.

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Additionally, this gun comes with minimal recoil which helps you improve your aim and accuracy. Once you find this gun then your chances of winning that match will increase.

  • Fortnite Med Spray

The new Med Spray item in Fortnite Battle Royale gives you 150 health when you use it. It is actually a very cool and unique item that epic has released in this Fortnite Chapter 3. This is the first healing item that you can use while running, sliding, and moving around.

Obviously, this item will help you increase your health while fighting your opponent. You will not need to bring yourself to still as you can use it while moving. It is also better than carrying medkits as it is more convenient as well as quicker.

  • Moving While Knocked

You might have noticed that while you are knocked you can actually move around a lot faster. These Fortnite Chapter 3 tips will allow you to reposition and hide and prevent yourself from getting eliminated. You can also drop items from your inventory while you are knocked which can help your teammate to survive in case he doesn’t have materials or something else.

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