Flint Knock Vs Proximity Launcher in Fortnite: Who Is Winning?

flint knock pistol
Flint Knock Pistol Fortnite

Flint Knock Vs Proximity Launcher Fortnite:  As you guys know that Fortnite voting board is going on. It is a really important and significant occasion for Fortnite as you know this time there is voting going on between Flint Knock Pistol vs Proximity Launcher. At the present interval of time, Flint Knock Pistol is succeeding by some percentage of votes.

Flint Knock Vs Proximity Launcher Fortnite:

This idea of a voting system enables the entire Fortnite community to determine which item we should unvault. In a similar approach, the Boogie Bomb vs Combat Shotgun was voted and selected for the game.

At this moment the voting fight is between the Flint Knock Vs Proximity Launcher. Both come under marvelous weapons. Both of them are the best on their end but realistically only a single item will be able to succeed and win the votes. After winning the votes one item will make it to the game.

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Fortnite Flint Knock Pistol:

flint knock pistol Fortnite
Flint Knock Pistol Fortnite

This Flint Knock Pistol comes under two variants in Fortnite Battle Royale. One is common and another one is the uncommon variant.  It is one of those items added to the game way back in chapter 1 in patch 8.11. It is a unique pistol that makes the game more exciting.

If we talk about the damage of this item then it gives 90 damage to the opponent. The fire rate of this pistol is 0.33 in the game. Most importantly, the reloading time of this item is 3.0 seconds.

Proximity Launcher Fortnite:

Proximity Launcher Fortnite
Proximity Launcher Fortnite

This Proximity Launcher comes under an explosive weapon with a damage output of 70 and with 45.5 DPS. This weapon comes with a fire rate of 0.65. It comes in two variants. One is Epic and another one is Legendry. It was added to the game on 4th September 2019. This launcher comes with a 2.8 reload time. It has high explosive damage.

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Who is Winning- Flint Knock vs Proximity Launcher?

At present, it appears that the Fortnite Proximity Launcher will lose the votes. While on the other hand, Fortnite Flint Knock has secured more percentage of votes as compared to the Proximity Launcher.

If you are a Fortnite Proximity Launcher supporter then you need to vote for it in order to support it and help it win the votes. Though in the Fortnite community many players are in support of the Flint Knock. Let’s wait and see who will win the votes and join the game.

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