Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Worst Game of 2024?

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Worst Game of 2024
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Worst Game of 2024 | Cr. Square Enix

The long-awaited Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has arrived, and for fans of the original, it’s a profound disappointment. While other reviewers shower the game with unearned “Game of the Year” accolades, a critical eye reveals a mediocre, fan-service fueled cash-grab that’s barely recognizable as a Final Fantasy title, let alone a worthy successor to its classic namesake.

A Shallow Narrative and Empty Promises

Square Enix promised a faithful expansion on the beloved Final Fantasy 7 story. Instead, Rebirth delivers a simplified, Hollywood-ified narrative devoid of the original’s depth and nuance. The “show, don’t tell” philosophy seems to have been replaced with “just show,” leading to thinly developed plotlines and an excess of flashy visuals that lack substance.

By the end, Rebirth leaves players with a frustrating sense of incompleteness. The narrative feels rushed and unresolved, making it impossible to judge this as a standalone game. It heavily relies on prior knowledge of the Final Fantasy 7 universe, punishing newcomers and even alienating those who haven’t touched the spin-off titles.
To make matters worse, Square Enix has sidelined major characters from the original, reneging on the promise of seeing them in action. This change robs the core story of much-needed emotional depth.

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Gameplay: A Mess of Visual Noise

Fans of the original Final Fantasy 7‘s strategic, turn-based combat will be sorely disappointed. The ATB system has been tossed aside in favor of a chaotic action-RPG battle experience. The result is a barrage of flashy effects and damage numbers cluttering the screen, making combat less about thoughtful tactics and more about button-mashing.

FF7 Rebirth Graphics
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Technical Disasters and Soap Opera Storytelling

Adding insult to injury, Rebirth suffers from unacceptable technical flaws for a PS5 exclusive title. Graphical glitches, poor textures, and audio bugs marred my experience from the start. I encountered several game-breaking moments forcing me to reload saves or resort to online guides for workarounds.
The once-compelling cutscenes of Final Fantasy 7 have been replaced with long-winded soap opera sequences of characters endlessly rehashing known information. These padding-filled scenes serve no purpose in advancing the plot and could be cut in half without any narrative loss. Players will spend more time watching these drawn-out conversations than actually progressing the story.

Constant Interruptions and Uninspired Side Content

The intrusive nature of these cutscenes highlights a core problem with Rebirth‘s flow. There’s a bizarre obsession with interrupting gameplay every few minutes for yet another exposition-heavy scene. While cutscenes are a Final Fantasy staple, here they are relentless and poorly paced.
Even worse, the side content offered in Rebirth is laughably uninspired. Tedious fetch quests and bland mini-games add nothing of value to the core experience.

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The Final Verdict

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth isn’t just a disappointing sequel; it’s a disservice to its own source material. The simplified narrative, over-reliance on fan service, abandonment of established combat systems, and technical issues leave the experience feeling hollow and unfulfilling. While I finished the game out of sheer obligation, there’s zero replay value or desire to revisit this world. Rebirth is a shining example of how not to handle a beloved franchise.


Q: I’m a huge fan of the original Final Fantasy 7. Should I even bother with Rebirth at all?

A: That’s a difficult question to answer without knowing your expectations. If you prioritize a faithful, complex narrative that expands on the original Final Fantasy 7 experience and appreciate strategic turn-based gameplay, then Rebirth will likely be a major disappointment. However, if you approach it as an action-based spectacle loosely tethered to the source material, you might find some enjoyment… with greatly lowered expectations.

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Q: Are there any redeeming qualities at all in Rebirth?

A: The visuals, despite technical issues, occasionally offer stunning scenes. Some of the musical score echoes the quality of the original Final Fantasy 7 soundtrack, providing brief moments of nostalgia.

Q: I’ve heard the ending of Rebirth is particularly controversial. Is it true?

A: Yes, the ending is a central reason for the divisive reaction. Without going into spoilers, it introduces elements that break with the established lore of Final Fantasy 7, potentially alienating even fans who tolerated the rest of the game’s shortcomings.

Q: Is there any chance that future updates or patches could improve my experience with Rebirth?

A: It’s possible. Patches could potentially fix the glaring technical issues. However, the core problems with Rebirth‘s narrative, gameplay, and pacing are unlikely to be significantly improved through post-release updates.

Q: Should I wait for a deep sale before buying Rebirth?

A: Absolutely. Unless you’re absolutely desperate to experience every piece of loosely connected Final Fantasy 7 content, waiting for a substantial price drop is strongly recommended.