
Unleashing the Double Barrel Beast: A Guide to Mastering the DBS in BGMI

Double Barrel Beast: A Guide to Mastering the DBS in BGMI
04/01/2024 | Double-Barrel Beast: A Guide to Mastering the DBS in BGMI | Image via moroEsports |

Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) constantly evolves its arsenal, introducing weapons that bring new challenges and opportunities. One such formidable addition is the Double-Barrel Shotgun (DBS), a close-quarters powerhouse that demands precision and finesse to wield effectively. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the intricacies of the DBS, providing key tips and strategies to help you master this double-barreled beast.

Understanding the DBS:

1. Double-Barrel Shotgun:

  • Fires two shots in quick succession with each trigger pull.
  • High damage and limited range, excelling in close-quarters combat.
  • Slow reload, emphasizing the importance of accuracy.

2. Key Tips:

  • Close-Quarter Dominance:
    • Engage enemies within 10-15 meters for maximum effectiveness.
    • Ideal for clearing rooms, buildings, and tight spaces.
  • Double-Tap Strategy:
    • Utilize the double-shot capability to quickly down opponents.
    • Practice timing your shots for optimal damage.
  • Reload Awareness:
    • Be mindful of the slow reload time.
    • Seek cover or switch to your secondary weapon if necessary.
  • Peek and Shoot:
    • Use TPP to peek around corners and fire bursts, minimizing exposure.
  • Aim for the Body:
    • While headshots are ideal, the DBS’s spread makes body shots more reliable.
  • Don’t Overextend:
    • Avoid open areas where the DBS’s range is a disadvantage.
  • Pair with a Mid-Range Weapon:
    • Complement the DBS with an assault rifle or SMG for versatility.
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3. Additional Tips:

  • Practice in Training Ground:
    • Master the DBS’s recoil and spread patterns.
  • Utilize Jump Shots:
    • Close gaps and create surprise attacks.
  • Pre-fire Corners:
    • Anticipate enemy movements and fire early.
  • Coordinate with Teammates:
    • Flankers can create close-range opportunities.
  • Consider Chokes:
    • Slightly tighten the spread, but be aware of reduced damage.


  • The DBS is a situational weapon, excelling in close-quarters combat.
  • Adapt your playstyle to its strengths and weaknesses.
  • With practice and strategic use, it can be a devastating force in BGMI.

Mastering the Double Barrel Beast:

Close-Quarters King:

Forget about engaging in long-range duels; the DBS thrives in tight spaces. Buildings, compounds, and the narrow alleys of Erangel are where the DBS truly shines. Firing two shells in rapid succession gives you the power to decimate opponents in close-quarter encounters with unparalleled efficiency. Imagine pushing into a room, detecting the subtle footsteps, and delivering a double-tap that leaves no room for error โ€“ that’s the dream of DBS mastery.

The Burst and the Pause:

Unlike pump-action shotguns, the DBS leverages its double-barrel design for controlled bursts at close range. Treat it as a shotgun-sniper hybrid, ensuring each well-placed shot counts. Practice in the training grounds to find the rhythm of the double-tap, understanding how the spread behaves at different distances. Remember, accuracy is paramount. Missed shots not only leave you vulnerable but also trigger the infamous slow reload, a deadly pause in the heat of battle.

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Peek-a-Boo Masterclass:

The DBS rewards cunning tactics over reckless charges. Third-Person Perspective (TPP) becomes your best friend, allowing you to peek corners, fire a quick burst, and retreat into cover before retaliation can land. Mastering this peek-and-shoot technique is crucial, minimizing exposure while maximizing your offensive impact.

Aiming for the Big Picture:

While headshots are always desirable, the DBS’s spread makes aiming for the body a more reliable strategy. Aim at chest height, ensuring both shells connect for significant damage. Don’t hesitate to lead your shots slightly if your opponent is in motion; predicting their path becomes critical for close-range dominance.

Beyond the Double Tap:

Remember, the DBS is just one piece of your BGMI arsenal. Pair it with a mid-range weapon like an assault rifle or SMG to cover its weaknesses. This versatility ensures you’re never caught off guard, able to switch seamlessly between shotgun dominance and engaging in long-range firefights.

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Practice Makes Perfect:

Mastering the DBS requires dedication. Spend time in the training grounds, understanding its recoil patterns, experimenting with different attachments, and honing your trigger discipline. Jump shots, pre-firing corners, and anticipating enemy movements all become second nature with focused practice.

Beyond the Basics:

Advanced tactics like utilizing Chokes to slightly tighten the spread (albeit at the cost of reduced damage) can further refine your DBS mastery. Coordinating with teammates to flush enemies into your shotgun range adds another layer of strategic depth. However, remember that the DBS is a situational weapon. Avoid open fields where its limited range becomes a liability. Stick to the close-quarters chaos, and you’ll unleash the true terror of the Double-Barrel Beast.

The DBS is not just a gun; it’s a statement. It demands respect, rewards practice, and punishes complacency. So, grab your DBS, head to the training grounds, and embrace the challenge. Become the master of close-quarters combat, the ruler of Erangel’s shadows, and unleash the Double-Barrel Beast within. Your enemies won’t stand a chance. Happy hunting!

D Sai Ramana
D Sai Ramanahttps://fitquest4all.blogspot.com/2023/11/boost-your-well-being-today.html?m=1
D. Sai Ramana, an Agriculture graduate, adeptly combines farming expertise with versatile writing. As a MoroeSport writer, I cover gaming news, reviews, and guides with insightful precision.