Counter Strike GO Source 2: Release Date, Leaks and More

Counter Strike Source 2
Counter-Strike Source 2: Expected Release Date, Leaks, and More

A Half-Life mod was the original source of Counter-Strike. Later, Valve bought the mod and in 2000, Counter-Strike was formally released as a full-fledged first-person shooter game. The game has had significant updates and engine changes since then. When CS source appeared, Counter-Strike underwent a revolution. While completely switching the game’s engine, Valve left the game’s core mechanics intact. After that, CS has gained a lot of notoriety over the years with many games.

The largest shift, though, came with Valve’s 2012 announcement of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. The video game crashed the web. The game was adored by players everywhere, especially CS enthusiasts, and it rose to prominence as the most infamous first-person shooter in CS history. Since its initial release, CS: GO has received numerous improvements that have made the game slightly superior to its predecessor. Even when Valve launched an improved Source 2 engine in 2015, the game’s core mechanics and the Source engine persisted.

As previously stated, Valve released Source 2 in 2015. Dota 2, another hugely well-liked game, also debuted at the same time as its release. People were thrilled to see them take off side by side and anticipated that CS would also be treated favorably.

There have recently been various leaks and reports concerning Counter-Strike being developed with a Source 2 engine. And it appears that the engine shift might possibly occur at this moment. It primarily began when a clip from the well-known content creator WarOwl appeared online.

Counter-Strike Source 2 Expected Release Date

In August 2022, CS: GO will turn ten years old. There is a good chance that Valve will release a new version of Counter-Strike using the Source 2 engine in August 2022 given all these leaks and reports. Even if Source 2 doesn’t launch in August 2022, it’s safe to say that it’s now closer than it’s ever been.

Also Read:  How to Defuse a Bomb in CS: GO

Also Read: Counter-Strike GO Source 2: Everything You Need To Know