Cleric’s Divine Intervention : Baldur’s Gate 3 Gameplay Guide

Divine Intervention
Cleric’s Divine Intervention : Baldur’s Gate 3 | Cr. Larian Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3, the rich and expansive RPG from Larian Studios, throws players into the fantastical world of Faerûn amidst mind flayers, sinister plots, and epic battles. Those who choose the path of the Cleric, devout servants of deities, gain access to a potent ability that can turn the tide of even the most desperate encounter: Divine Intervention.

What is Divine Intervention?

Divine Intervention is a class feature unique to Clerics, unlocked at level 10. It represents the apex of a Cleric’s connection to their deity and their power to beseech divine assistance in times of dire need. This ability takes a different form from its tabletop Dungeons & Dragons counterpart, where it presents a more open-ended chance for godly intervention. In Baldur’s Gate 3, it allows you to choose between four specific, immensely powerful effects.

The Blessings Bestowed

Upon using Divine Intervention, you must select one of these divine blessings:

  • Arm Thy Servant: A legendary mace of unyielding power materializes before you. This weapon can turn even an inexperienced warrior into a formidable combatant.
  • Golden Generosity: A radiant explosion deals a devastating 8d10 radiant damage to all enemies within an area, potentially obliterating lesser foes and severely weakening others.
  • Bestowed Bounty: A mystical chest appears, filled with potent healing potions, camp supplies, and a collection of valuable elixirs. This bounty is indispensable when your party is battered and running low on resources.
  • Opulent Revival: This is perhaps the most strategically valuable option—fallen allies within range are immediately resurrected. Nearby allies also receive all the benefits of a long rest, completely revitalizing the party.
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A Note on Limitations

It’s crucial to remember that Divine Intervention in Baldur’s Gate 3 holds a significant limitation: it can only be used once per playthrough per character. This means that, even if you respec a Cleric later in the game, they won’t regain the ability. However, if you have multiple Clerics in your party, each one can call upon their deity’s aid once.

What did you use your divine intervention for?
byu/toyAlien inBaldursGate3

When to Call Upon the Gods

Given its single-use limitation, timing is everything when it comes to Divine Intervention. Here are some situations where unleashing divine power could mean the difference between victory and defeat:

  • Desperate Battles: When facing an overwhelmingly powerful enemy or a large group of foes, Divine Intervention can flip the scales. Choose ‘Golden Generosity’ to obliterate lesser enemies, or ‘Opulent Revival’ to bring back fallen comrades and turn the tide.
  • Dwindling Resources: If your party is exhausted, low on health, and out of spells after a series of tough battles, ‘Bestowed Bounty’ is your lifeline. The potions and rest supplies it provides can replenish your party for the challenges ahead.
  • On the Brink of Failure: When a critical quest objective is in immediate jeopardy or a major character death seems imminent, ‘Opulent Revival’ can snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.
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The Weight of Faith

Divine Intervention is more than just a game mechanic; it adds a layer of role-playing depth to your Cleric. The ability, and its one-time use, emphasizes the profound connection between your character and their deity. Using it at the right moment should feel momentous and earned, a testament to your unwavering faith.


Q: Does my Cleric’s deity affect which Divine Intervention options I have?

A: No. In Baldur’s Gate 3, all Clerics have access to the same four Divine Intervention choices regardless of their chosen deity. This allows for flexibility in how you build your character.

Q: Can I use Divine Intervention outside of combat?

A: Yes! Both ‘Arm Thy Servant’ and ‘Bestowed Bounty’ can be used outside of battle. These can be useful if you need an extra edge in a challenging encounter or desperately need restorative supplies.

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Q: Can Divine Intervention fail?

A: No. In Baldur’s Gate 3, Divine Intervention is guaranteed to work. There’s no roll or chance of failure, representing the absolute power of the gods.

Q: If I have multiple Clerics, can they each use Divine Intervention more than once by respeccing?

A: Unfortunately, no. Using Divine Intervention marks it as permanently used for that character, even if you respec them later in your playthrough.

Q: Is there any way to use Divine Intervention more than once per character?

A: Currently, there is no legitimate way to do this in the standard game. It’s possible that future patches or mods may change this, but for now, it remains a singular ace-in-the-hole.


Divine Intervention is a potent tool in a Cleric’s arsenal, capable of salvaging dire situations and making the impossible possible. While its single-use nature demands careful consideration, when used wisely, it can be the clutch play that secures victory in Baldur’s Gate 3’s most arduous trials.
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