Last Updated on: 14th October 2021, 03:58 pm

14 October 2021, Chandigarh. The houses of Pochinki or the apartments of school, there is no place left undiscovered by the growing number of BGMI hackers these days. The level of entertainment drops and the number of hackers is swiftly increasing. Some are flying cars while some are running 10x times faster than Usain Bolt, the magic of technology is all over. The mobile community rage is seen all over YouTube. Not just by the pros but regular people who play BGMI just for fun.
New Update, BGMI Hackers, Memes: The Real Story
The BGMI update 1.6.5 Update is around the corner to arrive anytime soon this month. However, the concern is something different. The users are more worried about the hackers than celebrating the upcoming patch notes.
“Dear BGMI, Please give all your priorities to the hacking and cheating issues in the game. This season I have played around 100 matches and out of the 90% of matches went so bad because of hackers and cheaters.”, says BGMI user Gulshan on Facebook.
The users are posting their frustrations tagging officials. For instance, read this thread of comments on Twitter.
Best way to survive from hackers #HackerGround #BGMI
— Yellove Forever 💛 (@Only_4_Suriya) October 11, 2021
How to kill a hacker in BGMI
(My way 😂)
.@BgmiDev please fix this.. we love the game and you are forcing us to move out.. @BgmiDev @BGMILOVER @PandaPubg @im_gamexpro @antaryamirb_ @dynamogaming2 @KraftonIndia @KRAFTONOfficial— PA么ONE (@134whp) October 14, 2021
Battleground Mobile India
Hacker ground mobile india@PUBGMOBILE #BGMICheaters #BGMI— Manikandan vaithi (@ImManikandanMk) October 14, 2021
— LiT THANOS YT (@WizardTHANOS) October 12, 2021
Enthusiasm for Rank Push is Dead Now
A recent Notice on Sanctions Against Illegal Programs is released by the officials, a few days back. However, the number of accounts banned permanently between October 1 to October 7 is just 81,049. As per the people in the community, the process will take more time as digging in into hackers is not an easy job.
Whatever may the outcome be, but the BGMI hackers are a real pain in the game nowadays. The frustration levels are up and rank-push enthusiasm has dropped to null. People are slowly shifting to custom matches while many have uninstalled the game.
Many news & gaming media websites are creating awareness on the same. Sportskeeda published an article on September 26 narrating the same incident. Similarly, The Indian Express published tricks to save yourself from hackers.
In case you have a bad day, here’s a laugh video for us: