Last Updated on: 14th September 2021, 10:46 pm
What is a Mending Machine in Fortnite? If you’ve already started with the Baba Yaga quests you’ll notice a particular quest with Mending Machines. According to the quest you have to ‘Use any of the services of a Mending Machine‘ to complete the quest. However, if you’re confused about where to find or what even is a Mending Machine in Fortnite, you’ve come to the right place.
What is a Mending Machine in Fortnite?
So, what actually is a Mending Machine? Mending Machines are renamed from Vending Machines. Mending Machines can buy you shields, bandages, med-kits, etc.
Before we move on to their locations, let’s talk a bit about the quests from Baba Yaga and herself.
Who is Baba Yaga?
Baba Yaga is a female NPC that you can find at the Southwest of Sludgy Swamps. She can assign you 5 alternate quests which you can complete to get a total of 80 XP. You have to interact with her, at her location for this.
Apart from that you also get some gold. The 5 quests that you will get are as below:
- Mark a Medkit, a Bandage, and a Small Shield Potion (12,000 XP)
- Use any of the services of a Mending Machine (14,000 XP)
- Consume foraged items (16,000 XP)
- Restore health with fish (18,000 XP)
- Use a Bandage or a Medkit in The Sideways (20,000 XP)
Chapter 2 Season 8 Battle Pass is out now, check all of its details from us here.
Where to Find a Mending Machine in Fortnite? All Locations?
From the above image, you can look at the exact locations of all the Mending Machines in Fortnite. The names and details of the locations where you can find them are as below:
- Between Steamy Stacks and Craggy Cliffs
- To the East of Pleasant Park
- At Believer’s Beach
- At Boney Burbs
- East of Corny Crops
- Far South of Corny Crops
- West of Holly Hedges
- Southern Side of Weeping Woods
- Over at Lazy Lake
- Southern Side of Catty Corner
- West of Misty Meadows
Use any of the services of a Mending Machine:
For completing this quest, you’ll have to interact with a Mending Machine in Fortnite. We suggest you carry an ample amount of gold to be able to buy from the machines when you come across one. Use the map above to get an overview of the locations and find them yourself. Have you checked out the Carnage Skin coming to Fortnite very soon?
We hope this will help you to find and complete the quest for a Mending Machine in Fortnite. For more quest covers, updates, news and much more about Fortnite make sure to keep following us here.