Stinger is Getting Buffed in the Next Valorant Patch 5.06

10/09/2022 | One of the best guns in close range ‘Stinger’ is getting all ready to be even stronger. | Credits: Riot Games

Stinger buff will come in the next Valorant patch 5.06 according to Public Beta Environment patch notes. The Stinger is already enjoying something of a resurgence at Valorant Champions 2022, where players managed to find the ridiculous value out of the submachine gun for 950 credits. It has emerged as the weapon of choice for low buys and teams like Leviathan have shown an uncanny ability to make the weapon work against much more expensive Phantoms and Vandals.

Riot Games is going in the opposite direction, polishing the weapon to make it even more accurate.

Stinger Will Get More Powerful After the Buff

The Stinger is designed as a short-range weapon. But unlike the Spectre, it has an even more limited range with a splash that can be seriously clunky. Riot wants the weapon to feel “manageable and reasonably lethal at close range” and thinks the spray is currently too “out of control” even at close range. To address this, it lowers the top spread to make the gun feel more reliable up close.

ADS firing has been tweaked for more accurate shots. Riot is reducing the spread of the first shot, which makes the weapon more viable at a slightly longer range in ADS mode.

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Here’s a look at the changes:

Primary fire error adjusted from 1.6 error after 7 bullets to 1.3 error after 6 bullets
Alt-Fire first shot error adjusted from 0.5 to 0.35.

At only 950 credits, the Stinger is already one of the best low-cost and far overshadowing weapons like the Bucky. Pros already showing how good the weapon can be in Champions, it looks like the buffs will be showing off the terrifying new Stinger meta.

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