Valorant Flash Bypass Bug in Patch 5.03: Competitive Queue Disabled

Flash Bypass Bug
Valorant Flash Bypass Bug in Patch 5.03

Valorant Flash Bypass Bug in Patch 5.03: Competitive Queue Disabled? Yesterday, the game’s Valorant 5.03 patch was released, and it included a lot of changes. These include the infamous Chamber nerfs and an update to the in-game engine with Unreal 4.26. Since the release of the patch notes, there has been much discussion in the community on the Chamber nerf. Instead of Chamber, a new topic has emerged in the community the significant flash bypass flaw.

Riot Games corrected certain user interface problems and issued a bug warning when updating the shooter game’s engine. The developers also encouraged people to report bugs so they might be fixed if they ran into any issues. Players have already found a flash-related game-breaking bug the day following the new patch’s release, which has temporarily disabled competitive queuing in Valorant.

However, a glitch in the 5.03 patch, which was issued on August 9, 2022, rendered this function useless. Additionally, this glitch is relatively simple to activate, and many players have used it to their advantage. All that Valorant players needed to do to exploit this flaw was enable the Hide User Interface setting in the settings. Players were also turning off flashes that had some way of connecting to the in-game HUD by doing this.

Flash Bypass Bug in Patch 5.03: Competitive Queue Disabled

Due to this game-breaking issue, all agents with flashes Phoenix, KAY/O, and Yoru have been rendered utterly unusable. Riot Games has moved quite quickly to make a significant change and prevent the majority of players from obtaining unfair victory. Players can still experience Valorant by playing other game modes even though competitive queuing is now disabled for the game.

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Although Riot Games hasn’t said how long it will take to patch the glitch. it is likely to happen very soon. Riot Games will release a hotfix for the problem in order to allow players to resume competitive queuing. Rather than making them wait two weeks for a significant patch update.

Having said that, players must exercise patience while the developers try to find a solution to the issue right now. When the problem is resolved, Riot Games will let players know on their Twitter and other social media accounts so that everything can return to normal.

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