Valorant Patch Notes 5.01: Agents Buff, Smurf Detection And More

Last Updated on: 21st July 2022, 10:18 am

Valorant Patch Notes
Valorant Patch Notes 5.01!!

Valorant the trending 5v5 character-based tactical shooter from riot games has received a 5.01 Update recently. So what’s in store this time around for the players? The Update covers a lot of aspects including Agent Updates, Gameplay Systems, and Bug Fixes. Let’s Break it Down.

Valorant Patch Notes 5.01: Agent Updates 

Valorant Patch 5.01 Agent Changes
Valorant Patch 5.01 Agent Changes

Phoenix Buff

This patch has finally implemented the Phoenix Buff which was long awaited. The duelist pick rate % has dropped over the last few acts. The Agent was also being neglected by the players in both the competitive and ranked scenarios. The buff enables this aggressive duelist to support his proactive intentions when taking space or fights early on into rounds.

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The Curveball (Q) Flash Max Duration has been increased from 1.1s >> 1.5s and the Flash Windup has decreased .7s >> >5s. Blaze (C) now Enables Phoenix to equip his weapon earlier if he stops bending his wall. Finally, Coming to his Ultimate Run it Back (X) The Duelist will now spawn at the marker with the number of shields he had when the ability was cast.

Yoru Buff

Yoru was also tweaked a little in this Patch Notes 5.01 which makes the agent more balanced and competitive. Yoru’s Dimensional Drift (X) Time to unequip has decreased from 1.2s >> 0.8s and the Duration of his ult increased from 10s >> 12s.

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Kay/O Changes

Whereas for Kay/O his Fragment (C) Range of Zone had Decreased from 10m >> 8m and also Removed the LOS requirement to deal damage. His Ultimate Null (X) Only the allies will hear the full channel audio of reviving KAY/O, while downed.

Smurf Detection

The New Smurf Detection Functionality (North America) is implemented to make sure that the players are matched against opponents to their correct skill level. Though this is still in the testing phase, it will significantly reduce the amount of jitteriness experienced when moving close to your allies.

Bug Fix 

Patch 5.01 also fixes an issue where having the Raw Input Buffer setting enabled caused scrolling in chat or friends list to go directly to the top or bottom.

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