BGMI New Season Date, Leaks, News, and Much More!

BGMI New Season Date, Leaks, News, and Much More!
BGMI New Season Date, Leaks, News, and Much More!

BGMI NEW SEASON DATE: A new season awaits all BGMI lovers and players. A new Royale Pass, a new set of X-SUITs, and a new opportunity to be the best in the game. As we all know currently season 9 is there in Battlegrounds Mobile India. It is there since 21st March, 5:00 PM. 2 Months are over and a BMI new season, season 10 is very near, just around the corner. Season 9 brought us the 1.9 updates, which brought us the bicycle update and the fight arena above the sky.

BGMI New Season Date, Leaks, News, and Much More!

BGMI in India is growing and rising like a sleeping giant just woke up from sleep. Till now there was a string of very successful 9 seasons, which ruled the game very well. Now, a 10th season is due, and it will be much bigger and much more successful than its previous installments.

Also Read:  How to Get Unlimited UC in BGMI?

The expectations are high for this game. All are waiting to see a new bunch of updates as always. What are coming one by one:

  1. New Event
  2. New X-SUIT
  3.  Mode
  4. New Season Ranking
  5. A Set of Updates
  6. New Hacks Protection

When to Expect BGMI New Season?

A lot is happening currently. Though BGMI NEW SEASON is the priority for the players. On the 2nd of MAY 2022, everyone saw a new update regarding BGMI in the App stores. The Update was all about the new hacking recognizing system and a notification on banned accounts.

The main website of BGMI which gives official news and is directly maintained by GRAFTON, the BGMI parent company itself, shows that a total of fifty thousand seven hundred and thirty-three (50,733) accounts were banned due to hacking.

So, as this update came just after the rumors of a BGMI New Swanson, it is reported that a new season will come very soon. As per our sources, the new season will be almost 2 weeks away from the end of April. The update will be around in the game from the start of the second week of MAY to the middle or end of the 3rd week of MAY. 10th MAY is the date which is crucial in this case.

Price of the New Season Pass?

What will be the price for this season’s royale pass? Well, there is a debate around the price of a new royale pass. But, let us tell you that, the price of the BGMI New Season will be exactly 60 UC. UC is the currency within the game to purchase features and passes.


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