Valorant Patch Notes 4.08: Fade Added, Jett, Sova and Neon Nerfed

Valorant Patch 4.08
Fade Valorant

Valorant Patch 4.08 officially went live Wednesday morning as Riot Games ushered in Act 3 of the competitive tactical shooter’s fourth episode. The hype has long lived with sneak peeks of the new agent Fade, and the new bundle looks great too. But this update will bring huge changes to the ongoing meta, because of the major nerfs and buffs, and especially because of the introduction of the new agent.

In addition to the debut of the game’s newest Agent in the Turkish Initiator Fade, Riot has dropped perhaps some meta-changing nerfs to Jett, Sova, and Neon and plenty of other key changes. With VCT Rejkavic coming to an end, these changes are going to be massive because all teams will have to make changes and adapt to the changing meta with new strats. But the question is will this nerf be enough to drop the dominant pick rate of Jett? Here’s a breakdown of the 4.08 patch notes for Valorant Episode 4 Act 3.

Players are excited for this update mainly because of the new agent Fade getting introduced, and ever dominant agent Jett getting nerfed. Sova’s nerf will be a great boost for the new agent Fade. The competitive queue changes will help grow the competitive games and will bring in new players too. Because the previous agent Neon has been nerfed, the pick rate which was seen to be more than 60% in VCT, will now drop a little. Neon has received some buffs too. For more details, read further:

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Valorant Episode 4 Act 3 4.08 Patch Notes Detailed

Agent Updates


Fade Valorant


Valorant Patch 4.08
Jett Valorant

The team loves what Jett has continually brought to the fight, but as the game has evolved, some of her impacts have pushed beyond what we think is healthy for the tactical promise of Valorant.Riot Games

The team loves what Jett has continually brought to the fight, but as the game has evolved, some of her impacts have pushed beyond what we think is healthy for the tactical promise of Valorant. Riot Games.

  • Tailwind

    ○  Upon pressing E, Jett consumes her Tailwind charge and after a .75 second delay, activates a 12-second window where she’s able to dash to the next keypress.

    ○  Jett’s Tailwind charge can still be regained with 2 kills.

    ○  To keep parity with the changes to Jett dash, the functionality for Dash during Knife rounds in Escalation will be adjusted.


Valorant Patch 4.08
Sova Valorant

At high-level ranked or pro play, Sova’s been a staple for quite some time. While his power has not been felt as viscerally as Jett’s, his impact in coordinated settings is nearly unmatched. Riot Games

At high-level ranked or pro play, Sova’s been a staple for quite some time. While his power has not been felt as viscerally as Jett’s, his impact in coordinated settings is nearly unmatched said by Riot Games.

  • Owl Drone

    ○  Duration reduced 10s >>> 7s.

    ○  Health reduced 125 >>> 100.

    ○  Dart Reveal: Number of reveal pings reduced 3 >>> 2, Initial delay before first ping reveals increased 1.2s >>> 1.6s.

Also Read:  VCT APAC LCQ 2022: Teams, Formats And Schedule
  • Shock Dart

    ○  Max Damage decreased 90 >>> 75.

    ○  Radial damage has been scaled by new max damage.

    • Quality of Life

      ○  Changed crosshair color to green to better stand out against the white HUD.

      ○  Removed delay on [Target Hit] confirmation text.

      ○  [Target Hit] confirmation text now remains on the player HUD when transitioning out of Owl Drone.

      ○  [Target Hit] confirmation text now remains on screen for 2s, previously 1s.

      ○  Adjusted audio on drone dart hits for both Sova, and the player hit, to make confirmations more noticeable.

      ○  Sage’s Barrier Orb.

    • Fixed a bug with Owl Drone, where the Dart Cooldown UI element would not properly update after tagging an opponent.


Valorant Patch 4.08
Neon Valorant 

We’ve been keeping an eye on Neon and wanted to make some quality of life changes to help remove some friction when playing as, or with, Neon. Riot Games

We’ve been keeping an eye on Neon and wanted to make some quality of life changes to help remove some friction when playing as, or with, Neon. Riot Games.

  • High Gear

    ○ The slide cannot be cast during equipment delay.

    ○ Velocity restriction removed.

    ○ Neon can now slide sideways and forward, and only requires that she is moving.

    ○ Energy drain increased 6.7/s>>>10/s.

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Agent Ability Ammo

  • Jett’s Bladestorm, Raze’s Showstopper, and Sova’s Hunter’s Fury will now show how much ammo they have left when equipped.

Competitive Updates

Valorant Ranks
Valorant Ranks

5-Stack Queues

  • Reduced Rank Rating gain/loss penalty for different 5-stack configurations.,

    ○  If EVERYONE in your party is Iron–Diamond 2: No RR penalty if within the normal grouping, 25% RR penalty for all players if any player falls outside of the normal grouping.

    ○  If ANYONE in your party is Diamond 3–Immortal 3 (but no one in your party is Radiant): 25% RR penalty for all players.

    ○  If ANYONE in your party is Radiant: 75% RR penalty for all players.

    ○  Tuned matchmaking to reduce wait time for 5-stacks.



  • Fixed a bug where Jett could find herself unable to use abilities or weapons when using Tailwind immediately after depleting her Bladestorm daggers.
  • Fixed a bug where Yoru could teleport out of bounds when using Gatecrash.
  • Fixed various exploits allowing Yoru to use weapons before fully decloaking at the end of his ultimate.


  • Fixed a bug in the Shooting Range where bots would respawn unarmed.

Also Read- Valorant Episode 4 Act 3: Release Date and Battle Pass Details.


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Anish Prasad
Anish Prasad
I am an ex-eSports athlete who never left eSports by heart. I cover eSports and live in the world of eSports and Games. That's all for now. We can connect on: