Last Updated on: 8th February 2022, 06:02 pm

Rise Finally Made it into NA challengers Main Event: Rise had a dream in 2021 NA LCQ not losing a single match in upper brackets. Defeating Faze, Cloud9 Blue, 100 Thieves, and landing 2nd position at the LCQ with a deadly performance. Fans had high hopes for Rise and New Composition of Rise in Valorant Champions Tour 2022. Bringing shanks on the chamber was working for them in different maps like Bind and split. As it allowed Neptune to play raze which allowed having more firepower while shanks were slaughtering attackers with chambers.
But the problem started to Rise for the Rise when in the Upper Bracket finals against Version 1. Rise was having a no duelist double sentinel composition, Which got destroyed by Version 1. As Rise was not allowed to enter the site only. The rise was able to plant spike only twice in the whole attacking half and had a 3-9 swap. In the Second map on Haven, Penny performed at another level he destroyed Rise at another level match ending on 13-4.
Now Rise matchup is against NRG in the Lower bracket finals of Na Qualifiers 1. They destroyed Rise in their defense not letting rise enter the site even if Rise could take the site they were retaking the site like a piece of cake and shanks and Neptune couldn’t step for the team.
The Rise’s Breeze double controller composition of Astra and viper didn’t make any big difference and shanks still could make the kill count reach the double-digit NRG’s Android who picked chamber in was destroying Rise and they had no counter to tackle him and they lost the chance to qualify in the first qualifier
2nd Qualifier started and rise brought shanks on the chamber for certain maps where Neptune was able to showcase his raze skills and it was working for them. Rise was again in the Upper Bracket finals against Evil geniuses and Rise had heavy defeats on the ascent. so Evil Geniuses picked ascent as the first map, and Rise just turned the tables. Neptune’s strong performance on kay O with 20 kills was insane and Poised the sentinel of the team was having 5 first blood in his pocket.
Rise defeated EG on the ascent with a score of 13 – 7. As 2nd map decided to be split, Both Rise and EG were going head to head but in the attacking half of EG, Pho on Astra and Yaiboidre on chamber stepped up big time with 26 and 25 kills each which led a clean victory of EG on the split.
And there came the 3rd map of this best of 3 series Bind. The rise couldn’t achieve much in the attacking half. The half ended on 4-8 notes and one 4K clutch by Boostio on skyee gave a momentum boost to the team.
Yaiboidre shut Rise on their attack at another level, He ended the match with freaking 26 kills. Rise lost to EG with a score of 7-13. Which brought rise once again in the lower bracket Finals. This is 4th semi Final in 2 Qualifiers’ Rise playing. Match against BBG aka Built by Gamers.
BBG had picked Breeze as the first map of this best 3. We haven’t seen Rise on Breeze but it was game-changer. Shanks and Derrek with 6 first blood each and shanks gave a power pact performance with 26 kills. Rise claimed their victory on the breeze with a scoreline of 13-7.
2nd map picked by Rise was Ascent. After a hefty win against EG on ascent gave them confidence which would have influenced this discussion to play ascent. BBG had other plans for Rise on Ascent. BBG’s will gave a fearsome performance on the ascent with freaking 23 kills. He led BBG’s to victory on Ascent on a scoreline of 7-13.
So we came to the 3rd map in this series. This is the last chance for these teams to qualify for NA Challengers main event. The 3rd map was a haven and Poised changed the whole game. He top fragged the entire server with 24 kills on cypher with acs of 294. The whole team of rise stepped up on this map and gave strong performance against BBG. Defeated them with a scoreline of 13-9. The rise was the last team to qualify for Na Challengers Main Event. after a long and tiring journey Rise made it to the playoffs.
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