Garena Free Fire OB32 is already live in the game and testing all new weapons features for the next update. Many new items are going to be add with some add-ons like Charge Buster, New Turtle Pet and many more other features. There is one more major leak coming up with the Free Fire OB32 is one more new weapon is going to be released in the game. After Charge Buster the next new weapon will be Free Fire M1887-X Shotgun and with few customizations. If you want to get all the details about upcoming releases and features then keep reading the blog…
Furthermore, New Events, Features, and other important content is a speciality of Garena Free Fire. They always make sure to keep the game interesting and engaging and with every update they come up with something new and exclusive. As we know, the next major update which is OB32 is coming in the upcoming months or even in a few weeks.
As per current reports, three big elements are going to be added which include them in the OB32 Update. The elements are a new pet, two guns, and a dragon flame skin. You can read our other blogs on each topic but this blog will focus on the M1887-X shotgun with 3 bullets in Free Fire.
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What is a Free Fire M1887-X Shotgun?
Garena Free Fire is a game of weapons and without it the game is nothing and that is why we need a variety of weapons. For that reason, a new weapon is going to launch in the game which is the M1887-X Shotgun. Moreover, it’s a little bit more unique than any other weapon or shotgun in the game because of its new ability. The thing which makes this weapon different is the bullet system. In M1887-X instead of 2 bullets like the regular shotgun in the game.
There is already an M1887 available in the game with 2 bullets. And it’s one of the best weapons in close range. Moreover, it’s also the beast in close combat but now it’s better than ever with one extra bullet in it. As per the game, the biggest cons of a shotgun is its low magazine size but not more. M1887 Shotgun single bullet is enough to knock out an enemy without armour or level 1 armour.
Furthermore, for the shotgun lovers in Garena Free Fire, the M1887-X shotgun is going to be a valuable friend. Well, as we know there is another close-range weapon Charge Buster is coming along with an M1887-x shotgun.
Many players will argue about which one is better because both of them are beasts in close range. However, because of current stats, the M1887-X is the clear winner (because of its buff in Garena Free Fire).
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