Best Guns in Free Fire 2022: Top 10 Best Guns to Use in Free Fire

Have you recently started to play Garena Free Fire? This guide will help you to find the best guns in Free Fire. And also which gun is best for your playing style.

Last Updated on: 7th January 2022, 12:24 am

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Best Guns in Free Fire: Top 10 Best Guns to Use in Free Fire 2022

Have you recently started to play Garena Free Fire? This guide will help you to find the top 10 best guns in Free Fire 2022. And also which gun is best for your playing style.

Garena Free Fire is the best survival game with an awesome playing experience. If you have not played this game yet then let me introduce it to you. It is a survival game where around 50 players land on an island. Rules are simple – The last one standing is Winner!

Without a good knowledge of the best guns in Free Fire, it’s impossible to stand till the end of the game. You need to have a good grasp of equipment. Their ability, advantages, and disadvantages.

Even if you got AWM at the start of the game, using it in the last circle is foolish. At the start, you should assault and sniper. And in the end, you need to use short-range guns with high damage.

Read the full article and find the Best Guns in Free Fire 2022 for you!

Top 10 Best Guns in Free Fire 2022:

These are ranked according to their damage. And these Guns are much better in comparison to other guns in Free Fire 2022. Let’s start the list…

10. SCAR

Best Guns in Free Fire: SCAR
Best Guns in Free Fire: SCAR

Let’s start our list of Best Guns in Free Fire 2022 with SCAR. One of the best rifles in Garena Free Fire.

The plus point of SCAR is it has very little recoil. If you are a player who finds a little problem in controlling recoil then this gun is best for you.

The only negative point of this gun is its damage. SCAR’s damage is quite less in comparison to other assault rifles. But if you know how to SCAR and get used to it then its damage does not bother you.

9. MP5

Best Guns in Free Fire: MP5
Best Guns in Free Fire: MP5

MP5 is also one of the Best Guns in Free Fire 2022. This is a Sub Machine Gun or SMG. And one of the best SMG in Free Fire.

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As an SMG, MP5 has the power to shoot multiple bullets at a time at your enemies. This is best when it comes to close and mid-range weapons. This weapon will become God when you are fighting in a house or last circle.

But it also has negative points. And the biggest one is you can not use MP5 in long-range fights. Even if you use it – You are just going to waste your bullet. Because not a single bullet is going to hit your enemies.

8. M60

Best Guns in Free Fire: M60
Best Guns in Free Fire: M60

The next gun on the list is the M60. It is one of the best all-rounder guns in Free Fire. For a Machine gun – the M60 is perfect for beginners.

This gun is best in mid-range fighting. If you can get an extra Magazine then M60 will become more deadly. M60 is one of the Best Guns in Free Fire 2022. But you need to get a little used to it.

The plus point is its magazine size and the negative point is its damage and range. Do not use an M60 if you are in a long-range fight. Or your enemy has a high damage gun like an AK47 or Groza.

7. Kar98K

Best Guns in Free Fire: Kar98
Best Guns in Free Fire: Kar98

Kar98K is the second-best sniper rifle in Free Fire. This gun has one of the highest in-game damage.

The damage of this gun is 90, which means if you can hit the enemy then you will kill him. If he does not have a level 3 helmet or jacket. Kar98K is the deadliest weapon for long-range fighting.

But the Kar98K also has some disadvantages. The first one is you need to have practice and skills to use Kar98K properly. And the second disadvantage is it’s a bad choice in close-range fighting.

6. AK47


Best Guns in Free Fire: AK47
Best Guns in Free Fire: AK47

The Ak47 is also one of the best Guns in Free Fire 2022. AFter Groza, the AK47 is the best assault rifle.

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The damage of the AK47 is pretty high. Even competitive players use this gun in international matches. With its deadly firepower, you will kill your enemy in no time. This is the best gun in the close and mid-range.

Its only negative point (if you do not know how to use it) is the AK47’s recoil. Recoil is pretty high and sometimes becomes difficult to control for regular players. But by practice, you can master the AK47 and become the god of Free Fire.

5. M4A1

Best Guns in Free Fire: M4A1

The next gun is the M4A1, a long and mid-range gun. Beginner-friendly and also deadly for pro players.

It is a medium damage gun. And one of the Best Guns in Free Fire 2022 when it comes to stability. If you are a beginner in Free Fire then you do not find any problem using M4A1.

The only drawback of M4A1 is its damage. You need to constantly spry at your enemies to kill them. If you have good accuracy then the damage is not a problem for you.

4. M1887

Best Guns in Free Fire: M1887

The next best gun in Free Fire 2022 is a Shotgun. The M1887 is the best gun when you know how to use it properly.

The damage of M1887 is 100. It means with a single shot you can kill or knock down your enemy. This gun has the highest damage in the whole Free Fire game. In close-range combat, the M1887 is a beast.

But M1887 also has some limitations. The biggest ones are its range and magazine. You can only use this gun in close-range fights. And It also comes with two bullets. After using both of them you have to reload them.


Best Guns in Free Fire: FAMAS

FAMAS is an assault rifle in Free Fire. And one of the best all-rounder guns. This gun ranks 3rd in the list of top 10 Best Guns in Free Fire 2022.

It is a medium and long-range gun. The most deadly thing about FAMAS is its burst mode. It can shoot 3 bullets at a time. Its per bullet damage is 53 which makes 159 damage per perfect shot. Pretty amazing, right?

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What’re the disadvantages of using FAMAS? Well if you are not able to hit all three bullets. Then there is no difference between FAMAS and any other gun. You need to practice with FAMAS and master it.

2. AWM

AWM: Sniper Rifel
AWM: Sniper Rifel

Now, we have the second-best gun in Free Fire. The AWM is a sniper rifle. And every Free Fire player wants to use it.

AWM has one of the highest damage and longest range in Free Fire. If can land a shot on your enemy then he is going to knock you out for sure. No matter if he has a level three helmet or jacket.

You can only use it in a long-range fight. Because it can shoot only one bullet at a time. And after that, you have to reload it. Also in close range, you need to be a pro to shut your enemy.

Note: This gun is only available by AirDrop.

1. Groza

Groza ranks first in the list of the top 10 Best Guns in Free Fire 2022. It is an assault rifle and the best gun in the free fire.

Free Fire Gun
Free Fire Gun

In close and mid-range fights Groza is God. No other gun can compete with it in the last circle of the game. The damage and fire rate combination of this gun is next level. In a fraction of seconds, your whole magazine will shoot at your enemy.

If you can control the recoil of Groza then you do not need any other gun in the game. The highest disadvantage of using this gun is its recoil. You need to learn how to control it.

Note: This gun is only available by AirDrop.

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Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar
Amit is an entertainment content writer. He is currently pursuing graduation with Bachelor in Commerce. He loves to watch anime and play games like Minecraft, Clash Royale, and Pokemon Go in his free time.