Plant Sapling Fortnite: Fortnite is coming up with explicable quests in Week 6 for Season 7. What is a sapling in Fortnite? How do you plant a sapling in Fortnite? Find all your answers in our guide here. We’ll show you how to Plant Saplings at Stumpy Ridge, Fork Knife Food Truck, and FN Radio in Fortnite. Also, know all the locations of where to place a sapling in Fortnite.
What is A Plant Sapling in Fortnite?
A Plant Sapling is basically a small plant. Now, in the most recent set of missions from Week 6 Fortnite wants us to ‘Plant Saplings‘ at Stumpy Ridge, Knife Food Truck, or FN Radio. You’ll have to place a sapling on the hologram of a sapling to complete the quest for Week 6 in Fortnite.
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However, players can get confused about the locations since they’re really small and tough to spot. You don’t need to worry since we’re going to discuss all the locations of the challenge Plant Saplings at Stumpy Ridge, Fork Knife Food Truck, or FN Radio.
About the Challenge:
The quest is about planting 3 saplings across the map of Fortnite. What is tricky about this challenge is they’ve provided us with 3 specific locations where we can do this. These 3 locations are Stumpy Ridge, Fork Knife Food Truck, or FN Radio.
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Once you complete the quest to plant 3 of these saplings, you’ll claim 30,000 XP. You’ll further be able to use this XP to gain Battle Stars and unlock new skins from the Battle Pass. Read on to know more about the exact locations of these saplings. This is all on how to place a sapling in Fortnite.
Plant Saplings at Stumpy Ridge, Fork Knife Food Truck, or FN Radio Fortnite: All Locations

The locations to plant the sapling in Fortnite are:
- Plant Saplings at Stumpy Ridge: Over the Stumpy Ridge you’ll be able to find a plateau. On this plateau, you’ll find the first sapling. If you go right below this plateau you’ll find the other two saplings to plant together.
- Fork Knife Food Truck Plant Saplings: Above Lazy Lake, keep heading on the main road. Beside the main road, you’ll find the Fork Knife Food Truck. The three locations of saplings are together here. And this will be the fastest one to complete your quest.
- Plant Sapling at FN Radio: On the eastern side of Weeping Woods, you’ll be able to find the FN Radio right below the cliff. Now, this is another location where all the saplings are stacked near.
We prefer you either go to the Fork Knife Food Truck or FN Radio to Plant a Sapling in Fortnite. After you plant the 3 saplings you’ll receive 30,000XP. Follow us for more Fortnite updates and news frequently.