Fortnite Item Shop 5 July: Biggest Item Shop till now?

Check out the Fortnite Item Shop for today July 5, 2021, here. All the Featured, Daily, Marvel, and Cosmic Summer Outfits. Know everything about the Fortnite Current Item Shop here.

Last Updated on: 5th July 2021, 02:11 pm

Fortnite Item Shop July 5
Grave Feather Fortnite

Fortnite Item Shop 5 July: We have the Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 7 here and to be honest brings a huge amount of skins. Now when you look at the item shop today, you’ll find that it is actually pretty big. Let’s break it down to all the items in Fortnite Item Shop today on July 5.

Featured Items from Fortnite Item Shop on 5 July 2021: Isabelle, Tsuki, and Grave Feather


The Featured Items for today include the Chugga Chugga(Rare) emote. Only making its second appearance till now. We have the Isabelle(Epic) skin back in the game. This is her fifth occurrence. Her back bling is The Book of Spells Vol. 3(Epic) also coming with a built-in emote to shift her style(ExtracurricularArmor). All of these are from Chapter 2 Season 6.

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Tsuki(Rare) with her Tahna(Rare) back bling Skin is here. The Copper Wasp(Epic), with the PowerPunch(Epic) Harvesting Tool and his Striped Stalker(Epic) back bling. Stinger(Uncommon) Wrap is also back. All are coming from Chapter 1 Season 9.


The Grave Feather(Epic) Bundle is making a return from Chapter 2 Season 6. With the Bladed Cage(Epic), Razor Wing(Rare) harvesting tool, and Weeping Crow (Epic) Glider. We have the Astrolomaster’s Staff (Rare) Pick-ax.

Daily Items from Fortnite Item Shop Today 5 July 2021: Garrison & Castor Skins & New Music


Garrison(Uncommon) and Castor(Epic) both from Season 1 are making a return. Along with these we also have the emotes Pirouette and Pizza Party. There is also a new music album added going by ‘Falling Stars’. Even the random Targeted(Uncommon) Glider. This is all for the featured and daily items of Fortnite Item Shop on 5 July, 2021. If you’re also interested to know about Fortnite Skin Generators here’s a guide.

Also Read:  Today's Fortnite Item Shop: Rift Tour Outfits Removed!

Cosmic Summer Bundles: Summer Drift, Beach Brutus, Surf Witch

Cosmic Summer Fortnite Item Shop july 5
Cosmic Summer Bundles

The Cosmic Summer Bundles are still in the Item Shop. These include the Summer Drift Bundle from very recently. From the Cosmic Summer, we can now buy Nitro Jerry Skin. The Star-Spangled Skins and Fireworks Team Leader are available.

You can also check out the Shop Live here:

Get the coolest Midsummer Midas as soon as you can! Scuba Crystal Bundle is another recent addition and an awesome skin overall. And of course, Beach Brutus, Surf Witch, Beach Jules, and Boardwalk Ruby are like the Featured Outfits for Cosmic Summer.

You can also watch this video to see the Fortnite Current Item Shop

Also Read:  Fortnite Battle Hound Skin: Laoch Bundle Back In Item Shop

Marvel Skins: Antman, Ghost Rider, Blade, and Silver Surfer Bundles

All the Marvel Skins are still available to buy from the Fortnite Item Shop of today i.e 5 July 2021. Starting with Thanos and his Snap Emote and the Antman Bundle. The Venom Skin with the Ghostrider Bundle. Captain America and Grand Salute with the Black widow, Blade, Silver Surfer Bundles are not gone yet. Cuddlepool and Deadpool gear bundle is still buyable.

Check out the new Laufeyson Loki Skin in Fortnite from the crew now!

Nikunj Patel
Nikunj Patel
Nikunj is a young and aspiring writer who is also interested in gaming. He is constantly looking forward to progress further into the field he works for.